Amsterdam/Niederlande: 17th World Congress on Information Technology in 2010Beginn: Di 25. Mai 00:00:00 CEST 2010Ende: Do 27. Mai 23:59:59 CEST 2010 Geodaten: (0),(0) Kartenausschnitt anzeigen: Kontakt: http://www.wcit2010.com/ Diesen Termin als .ics Kalendereintrag herunterladen: The World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) is the premier global ICT forum. It brings together over 2,000 captains of industry, government leaders and academics from more than 80 countries. During the three day summit delegates address global impact issues, regarding economic and social development. They exchange policies and ideas how ICT can enable change and innovation in all parts of the world. Day 1: Inspiration - May 25 2010Day 2: Innovation - May 26 2010 |
CC Lizenz Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Bundesfreiwilligendienst Wir speichern nicht World Beyond War Tor nutzen HTTPS nutzen Kein Java Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft |