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Madrid/Spanien: EuroDIG 2010

Beginn: Do 29. Apr 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Fr 30. Apr 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Sala de Juntas, C Building ETSI Telecomunicacion Avenida Complutense s/n Ciudad Universitaria 28040
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EuroDIG 2010

29./30. April 2010 in Madrid

We invite herewith all interested stakeholders to a joint

Preparatory meeting at the 19. January 2010

11:00 - 18:00 am CET

Sala de Juntas (room has changed!)
C Building
ETSI Telecomunicacion
Avenida Complutense s/n
Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid

Please reply to the EuroDIG secretariat if you plan to participate at this meeting.

Draft agenda

List of participants

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The venue

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Messages from Geneva

Programme - EuroDIG 2009
14./15. September 2009,
EBU Geneva, Switzerland

Monday, 14 September 2009

11:00 - 11:45

Opening statements by stakeholder groups
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Jean-Paul Philippot, EBU-European Broadcasting Union President

Veronique Gigon, Deputy Director, Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)

Philippe Boillat, Director General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe (CoE)

Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator. Internet Governance Forum (IGF), United Nations, Geneva

Asa Torstensson, Minister for Communications, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Sweden (video message)

Frank Bsirske Head of United Service Union (ver.di), Germany (video message)

Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor at University of Aarhus, Denmark, IAMCR (video message)

Massimo Lucchina, Senior Manager, CBD-Technology Center, Switzerland

Georgios Kipouros, European Youth Forum (JEF), Greece

11:45 - 12:45

Roundtable of European parliamentary perspectives regarding Internet governance (Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Vincenzo Maria Vita, Vice president: Commissione istruzione pubblica, beni culturali, ricerca scientifica, spettacolo e sport of the Italian Senate

Andrew McIntosh, Chairman of the PACE Sub-Committee on the Media, House of Lords

Alun Michael, Member of the Parliament Cardiff South and Penarth

Ruedi Noser, Member of the Swiss Parliament

Nenad Prokic, Member of the Parliament, Serbia

Catherine Trautmann and other MEP´s at Strasbourg.(video link)

Moderated by Giacomo Mazzone, Head of Strategic Audit, EBU - European Broadcasting Union

Audio track opening & roundtable session

12:45 - 14:15

Buffet lunch offered by OFCOM

14:15 - 15:45

Parallel Workshop 1 - 3

Workshop 1: End-users access to, and choice in services.
(Room: Geneve)

Key words, questions and references:
Role of Internet service providers and governments; rights and freedoms of users as citizens and as consumers; what competition to provide content and services? Towards a European users rights charter? network neutrality vs traffic prioritization

Workshop 2: Personal and professional privacy
(Room: Eiger+Jungfrau)

Key words, questions and references:
Privacy protection; control over one's personal data; privacy as both a fundamental human right and an essential facilitator for a global economy; privacy as a business competitive advantage; current situation with regard to online privacy, profiling and targeting: widespread practice of collecting information about the activities and interests of users; privacy and human rights at work place, problem of surveillance of employees and work councils; privacy enhancing technologies: minimization on the collection of one's personal information; towards global data protection standards that are legally enforceable.

Workshop 3: The Internet - critical to our lives: are we sure it's reliable?
(Room: Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
The Internet is a critical resource, but what does that mean? Is it managed as such? Are the current arrangements sufficient? And what are the major challenges to the future stability of the network? What are the roles of the different stakeholders? How are operational decisions made and coordinated (and funded)? What is the influence of national requirements? How does national work take into account wider international circumstances, (bearing in mind that one country's network can impact another's)? If the Internet is considered as critical information infrastructure, what does that mean for our decisions and cooperation in reaching the decisions?

Audio track

15:45 - 16:15

Coffee Break offered by EBU

16:15 - 17:45

Parallel Workshop 4 - 6

Workshop 4: Cybercrime and cyber security: Public-Private-Partnerships
(Room: Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
How to build effective public-private partnerships to meet new and emerging threats? How do we increase robustness while, at the same time, limiting the impact of stress on IT infrastructure and services? What has to be done on global, what on regional and national level? How can we assure that privacy and freedom of expression are respected?

Audio track

Workshop 5: Effective media literacy for the end-user
(Room: Eiger+Jungfrau)

Key words, questions and references:
Citizenship; competences; consumerism; media coaching; user aggregation; serious games; identity construction; human rights respect and implementation; online resources; open educational resources; cross-cultural education and communication; cultural diversity; towards a European media literacy model; governance of media education; mapping of media education policies; dynamic coalition on media governance.

Workshop 6: The Internet of 2020: Future services future services
(Room: Geneve)

Key words, questions and references:
Services in 2020; challenges to existing non-telecom regulation such as copyright, cross border issues and other kind of non-harmonization of regulation and legislation, including data protection, privacy and other public policy aspects; RFID – internet of things, cloud computing.

17:45 -18:30

Reporting-in / European threads in common from all workshops
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Co-moderated by:
Lee Hibbard, Media and Information Society Division / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe (CoE)

Thomas Schneider, International Information Society Coordinator, Swiss Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM)

Audio track

18: 30

Reception offered by OFCOM Switzerland, EBU and Council of Europe

including graduation ceremony for successful participants of the "European Internet Governance Capacity Development Programme"

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

09:00 - 10:30

Plenary 1: Access to content online: regulation, business models, quality and freedom of expression (Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
Access to content: Digital divide. Should we regulate new media? Professional journalism and trust in the Internet. What role of public service media in the Internet? Quality standards for user generated content? Where is the dividing line between private communication and public expression? Viral advertising. Telecoms package and protecting fundamental human rights. Freedom of expression.

Audio track

10:30 - 12:00

Plenary 2: Online social media – governance issues from a user perspective
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
Freedom of expression with regard to users image, identity and intimacy, as well as their right to reply and other means of redress. Privacy issues: the implications of "profiling". Right to anonymity for users on social networks? What do users expect from providers and from governments? What rules for online social media? How will they develop their own internal rules? How do we manage diverse nationally applicable laws?

Audio track

12:00 - 13:30

Lunch offered by OFCOM - Switzerland

13:30 - 15:00

Plenary 3: The post-JPA phase: towards a future Internet governance model
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
NTIA-RFC. European recommendation to US DoC about future of ICANN and IANA. What is meant by multistakeholder governance of the internet? What are the respective roles of the different stakeholders? Is the business sector able to take fully responsibility of the well-functioning of the Internet? What would be an appropriate form of regulation for the management of the critical internet resources? On what fundamental values and principles should this be based? Is there a “European common view” on this?

15:00 - 16:00

Plenary 4: Arrangements for a European IGF and Future EuroDIG events
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Key words, questions and references:
Is there a need / desire for a European IGF? What should be its mandate and objectives? If so, how should such a regional forum work? How should it link to national, global and other regional Internet governance initiatives? How could it help to improved e-participation in internet governance?

Audio track Plenary 3 & 4

16:00 - 16:15Coffee Break offered by EBU

16:15 - 17:15

Takeways from the audience, conclusions and next steps
(Room: Geneve+Montreux)

Frédéric Riehl, Vice-Director, Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)

Jean Réveillon, Director General EBU - European Broadcasting Union

Jan Malinowski, Head, Media and Information Society Division, Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe

William Dee, Directorate General for Information Society and Media Internet, Network and Information Security Unit", European Commission

Maria Häll, Deputy Director, Division for Information Technology Policy, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Government Office of Sweden

co-moderated by:
Lee Hibbard, Media and Information Society Division / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe (CoE)

Thomas Schneider, International Information Society Coordinator, Swiss Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM)

Audio track Closing session

print version

Messages from the first EuroDIG 2008 to the IGF

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