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Namur/Belgien: An Information Society for All: A Legal Challenge

Beginn: Mi 20. Jan 00:00:00 CET 2010
Ende:   Fr 22. Jan 23:59:59 CET 2010
Ort:   Centre de Recherches Informatique et Droit (CRID) Rempart de la Vierge, 5 B-5000 Namur
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The Conference for the 30th Anniversary of the CRID
An Information Society for All : A Legal Challenge

January, 20 to 22, 2010


On theoccasion of its 30th anniversary, the Research Centre on IT and Law(CRID) of the University of Namur (Belgium) is organizing anInternational Conference dealing with the legal responses to the issuesof the information society today and tomorrow.

This Conference will be divided into three parts :

  • * An openingplenary session dealing with the four main fields studied at the CRID:"Liberties in the Information Society and Privacy", "E-commerce","Intellectual property", "Electronic communication".
  • * Fourworkshops about the particular subject and main issues raised in thesefields, with mid and long-term perspectives: Electronic Evidence,Intellectual Commons (from software to biotechnology), Future PrivacyPolicies and the Building of a European Internal Market in ElectronicCommunications.
  • * A closingplenary session presenting a summary of the main conclusions of eachworkshop. This summary will underline the close links between thefields that CRID deals with and of the relevance of aninterdisciplinary approach to study them.

The Conference will be preceded by a doctoral seminar dealing with the different topics of the Conference.

Belgianand foreigner experts' presentations will be given in either French orEnglish, at the speaker's choice. A Simultaneus translation will beavailable in the plenary sessions.

The Conference is aimed at both a Belgian and foreign audience (universityresearchers and academics, corporate lawyers, attorneys, judges, policymakers, etc) interested in a sharp analysis of the legal solutionsgiven to current and future ICT issues.

Doctoral School Seminar

Call for papers

CRID 30th anniversary congress & doctoral research seminar: information society for all: a legal challenge.

The CRID (Research Centre on IT and Law, University of Namur) warmlyinvites scholars whose research interests fit the sub-themes listedbelow to submit paper proposals for the doctoral research seminarorganized in the context of the CRID0s 30th anniversary on January 20,2010. Submissions by PhD students are particularly encouraged. Theseminar will be held in English and French.

The sub-themes of the congress are the following:

E-Commerce : Digital EvidenceIntellectual Property : the Intellectual Commons: from Software to BiotechnologiesLiberties in the Information Society : is protecting Privacy (still) Paramount in the face of Surveillance Policy ?The Internal Market for Electronic Communications 0 Rationales, Status, Tools and Way Forward

Abstracts (of approximately 350 words) should be submitted by email to Maria Jos0 Iglesias and Antoinette Rouvroy.
Important deadlines:

Submission of abstracts: Extended deadline - October 25th, 2009 !
Notification of acceptance: by November 10th, 2009
Submission of papers: December 30th, 2009

Email:, or

Accepted papers will be published in the Congress Proceedings.


13h30 : Welcome
14h00 : Welcome Speech : Why and How a Thesis in ICT Law ?
Prof. Dr. Jos DUMORTIER, Director of Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information &
Communication Technology (ICRI), KUL
14h30 0 18h00 : Presentation of selected papers.

Thursday January 21 (morning)

Plenary session
(Simultaneus Translation French to English)

Chairman : Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Managing Director of the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (ITM), University of Münster, Germany

9h00 : Registration
9h30 : Welcome Address(en fran0ais)
R. P. Michel Scheuer, Rector of the University of Namur (FUNDP)
The Belgian Priorities for ICT(in French)
Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne, Minister forEnterprises and Simplification
10h00 : Evolution of Privacy with regards to New Technologies(in French)
Prof. Dr. Karim Benyekhlef, Director of the Centre de Recherche en Droit Public (CRDP), University of
10h30 : Electronic Commerce Law : Direct Regulation, Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation(in English)
Prof. Dr. Jane K. Winn, Director of the Shidler Center for Law, Commerce & Technology, University of
Washington School of Law
11h00 : Coffee Break
11h30 : New m0dia? Old models? Reflection on the rule and its continuity in the Information Society. (in French)
Prof. Dr. Michel Vivant, Institut d0Etudes Politiques de Paris, Docteur honoris causa of the University of Heidelberg
12h00 : The Evolution of the Regulatory Paradigm in Electronic Communications(in English)
Prof. Dr. Pierre, Larouche, Professor at Law Faculty and Director of the Tilburg Law and Economics
Center (TILEC), Tilburg University

12h30: Lunch

Thursday January 21 0(afternoon)

Choice between the two following workshops :

Workshop E- commerce : The Digital Evidence
(Language: French)

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Etienne Montero, Professor at the University of Namur and Dean of the Faculty of Law

14h00 : International Overview of Legal Approaches for Electronic Signature (in French)
Luca Castellani, Secretary of Working Group Electronic Commerce, United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
14h30 : The Different Legal Aspects of Electronic Signature in Belgian Law
belge ?(in French)
Dr. Herv0 Jacquemin,Head of the e-Commerce Unit of the CRID
15h00 : e-Discovery and Internet (in French)
Christophe Verdure, Researcher at the FUSL, Associate Researcher at the UCL and Former R0f0rendaire et
European Court of First Instance
15h30 : Coffee Break
16h00 : Digital Evidence and Digital Archiving (in French)
Eric Caprioli, Attorney at the Court of Paris
16h30 : Digital Evidence and Privacy in Belgian and European Law (in French)
Prof. Dr. Paul de Hert, Professor at the VUB, Law Science Technology & Society (LSTS ) and
Associated-Professor in the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)

Workshop Intellectual Property : The intellectual commons: from software to biotechnologies
(Language: English)

Chairman : Prof. Dr. Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Professor at theFaculty of Philosophy and Director of the Biodiversity Governance Unitat the Centre for Philosophy of Law, Universit0 catholique de Louvain(UCL).

14h00 : Introduction to the open source model and its evolution (in English)
Philippe Laurent,Senior Researcher at CRID and Lawyer (Brussels)
14h30 : The commons in copyright (in English)
Val0rie-Laure Benabou, Professor at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin, Director of the
Laboratoire DANTE (Droit des Affaires et des Nouvelles TEchnologies)
15h00 : Alternative systems to regulate the intellectual commons (in English)
Prof. Dr. Jerome Reichman, Professor of Law at Duke Law School, Durham, United-States
15h30 : Coffee Break
16h00 : From software to biotechnologies (in English)
Dr. Maria Iglesias, Head of the Unit 0 Intellectual Property 0 at CRID
Caroline Ker, Researcher at CRID
16h30 : Economic aspects (in English)
Prof. Dr. Yann Meni0re, Professor at the Centre for Industrial Economics at the Ecole des Mines,

Friday January 22 0(morning)

Workshop Liberties in the Information Society : Privacy : Still a Priority Towards a Surveillance Policy ?
(Language: Speaker0s choice)

Chairman : Prof. Dr. C0cile de TERWANGNE, Professor of the University of Namur

9h00 : Welcome
9h15 : "Detect and prevent: digitalization of bodies and the production of docile norms." (in French)
Dr. Antoinette Rouvroy, Research Associate at the Belgian FNRS, CRID, University of Namur
9h55 : Social networks under contro. Which control (in French)
Dr. Jean-Marc Dinant, Head of the Unit "Technology and Security", CRID, University of Namur
Jean-Philippe Moiny, Researcher FNRS, CRID, University of Namur
10h35 : Coffee Break
10h50 : The principle of purpose: illusion or effective defense (in French)
Dr. Thierry L0onard, Professor at the FUSL and Attorney (Brussels)
11h30 : Privacy and Security(in French)
Florence de Villenfagne, Senior Researcher, CRID, University of Namur
12h10 : The Surveillance Policy in Europe, today and tomorrow (in English)
Dott. Giovanni Buttarelli, Assistant Supervisor, European Data Protection Supervisor

Workshop Electronic Communications : The Internal Market for Electronic Communications 0Rationales, Status, Tools and Way Forward
(Language: English)

Chairman : Robert QUECK, Deputy Director of CRID and Head of the Unit "Electronic Communications", CRID

9h00 : Welcome
9h30 : Economic Rationales for Internal Market and Current Status (in English)
Prof. Dr. Martin Cave, Director of the Centre for Management under Regulation,
Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
10h00 : The Internal Market, the EC Treaty and the Case-Law of the Court of Justice (in English)
Prof. Dr. Inge Govaere, Professor of European Law at Ghent University and Director of the
European Legal Studies Department, College of Europe, Bruges
10h30 : The Internal Market and the Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework (in English)
Dr. Bernd Langeheine, Director for 0Communications Services: Policy and Regulatory
Framework0, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission
10h35 : Coffee Break
11h30 : A Horizontal Approach : Lessons from other network industries (in English)
Prof. Dr. Jacques Pelkmans, Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges, and at the Vlerick School of
Management, Leuven/Gent, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),
Prof. Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),
Brussels and Professor at Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome
12h00 : The Way Forward : Options for the Future (in English)
Philippe Defraigne, Director, Cullen-International
Prof. Dr. Alexandre de Streel, CRID
12h30 : Question-Time and Discussion

13h00: Lunch

Friday January 22 (afternoon)

Plenary session
(Simultaneus Translation French to English)

Chairman : Prof. Dr. Steve Saxby, School of Law, University of Southampton and Editor in chief, Computer Law and Security Review

14h00 : Presentation of the workshop reports (by the workshop chairmen 0 15 minutes each)
15h00 : Coffee Break
15h30 : Law and IT: Links between data protection and intellectual property (in English)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Managing Director of the Institute for Information, Telecommunications
and Media Law (ITM), University of Münster, Germany
16h00 : An Appropriate Legal Framework for our Information Society ? (in English)
Prof. Dr. Herbert Burkert, President of the Research Centrefor Information Law, University of
St Gallen, Switzerland
16h30 : Necessity and Role of Interdisciplinarity (in French)
Prof. Dr. Claire Lobet, Director of CITA, FUNDP
Prof. Dr. Yves Poullet, Director of CRID, FUNDP

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