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Oury Jalloh Memorial: African Community Conference and Demonstration in Dessau

Beginn: Di, 06. Jan 12:00 CET 2015
Ende:   Mi, 07. Jan 18:00 CET 2015
Ort:   Dessau, Hauptbahnhof
Geodaten: (N51.8395),(E12.2355)
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Tags: Flucht Migration, Verfolgung, Neo-Nazis, Oury Jalloh

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Demonstration am 7.1. um 14h

Dessau, Hauptbahnhof/ Main station

The events are coordinated by The African Community Conference Dessau with
the participation of African/Black Community

Invitation and Program: African Community Conference Dessau, 06.01.2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We would like to extend our best wishes and invite all our brothers and
sisters, families and organisations of the African Black Community in
Germany, to endorse and confirm their participation in the African
Community Meeting and demonstration in commemoration of the 10th
Anniversary of the murder of our brother Oury Jalloh in the police station
Cell no. 5 in 2005 by German racist police, which will be taking place in
Dessau on the 6th and 7th January 2015.

Please help to spread our call to the African Black initiatives and
activists for the Meeting. We demand for all support and solidarity with
Oury Jalloh Memorial Family Campaign in Dessau and Against Racist Police
Killings and Criminalisation in Germany.

We also would like all activists in the community to contact and encourage
other groups to join us and also to confirm their participation for the

In Solidarity We Remain in Justice and for Dignity.

The VOICE Forum Germany (African Activist Networks) and the Initiative in
remembrance of Oury Jalloh

African Black Community Meeting Dessau 06.01.2015
Tuesday, 06th January 2015

Begin at 12.00 hrs
- Introduction of participants and delegates agenda, concerns and expectations

Wednesday, 7th January 2015
Memorial Ceremony for Oury Jalloh and all victims of police killing as to

14.00 Hour: Demonstration in Dessau - Central train station


Les événements sont coordonnés par la Conference de la Communauté
africaine de Dessau avec la participation de la Communauté Africaine noire

Mardi,06 Janvier 2015, Debut 12.00 h

Introduction des participants et des délégations

Mercredi,07 Janvier 2015

Cérémonie memorial pour Oury Jalloh et tous les victimes des assassinats
par la police debut::

14.00 Heures: Manifestation à Dessaua la gare centrale
Les événements sont coordonnés par la Conference de la Communauté
africaine de Dessau avec la participation de la Communauté Africaine noire

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