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National marches for FergusonBeginn: Sa, 30. Aug 10:00 CEST 2014Ende: Sa, 30. Aug 00:00 CEST 2014 Ort: Ferguson, Mo, USA, Canfield Dr. and W. Florissant Ave Kontakt: http://www2.answercoalition.org/site/R?i=3mB0ib3WHffote0pY34rAQ Tags: Rassenhass, Polizeigewalt, Menschenrechte, Ferguson Diesen Termin als .ics Kalendereintrag herunterladen: ![]() March to police headquartersThe following call to action was issued by the Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Council, made up of community leaders on the ground in Ferguson. Protest against police killings, brutality, profiling and legal coverups! "This will be a national massive march on Ferguson. People of conscience, from all walks of life, and all over the United States, will come together in Ferguson in the largest single mass demonstration to demand justice for Michael Brown," said Akbar Muhammad of the Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Council. The march demands: 1. We demand that Darren Wilson, the officer involved in the shooting death of Michael Brown be immediately fired from Ferguson police department instead of remaining on paid leave. We demand Darren Wilson be charged and vigorously prosecuted for the murder of Michael Brown. 2. We demand that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon under the emergency law clause he issued immediately remove St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch from the case involving Michael Brown. 3. We call upon the United States Federal Attorney General Eric Holder and Missouri State Attorney General Chris Koster to investigate the policies and practices of the local municipalities in Saint Louis County, Saint Louis City and other municipalities throughout the state of Missouri, that have demonstrated a legacy of racial profiling. Accordingly, we call upon those officials to develop penalties/policies to put an end to those practices. 4. We call for the Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich to do an audit of the funds of the local municipalities that have demonstrated a history of racial profiling. We demand accountability of how much revenue is being generated from traffic violations and how these funds are being spent. 5. We call for the Ferguson Mayor James Knowles and Police Chief Thomas Jackson to immediately resign from their positions of authority and if not we will call upon the people to immediately do a recall of the Mayor of Ferguson. Zurück zur Terminliste
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