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Beginn: Sa, 15. Nov 09:00 CET 2014
Ende:   So, 16. Nov 17:30 CET 2014
Ort:   London, Franklin Wilkins building, Kings College London, Waterloo Campus
Geodaten: (N51.5055),(W0.1135)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Überwachung, Snowden, Wikileaks, Geheimdienste, Open Souce,

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Free tickets for ORGCon2014

Saturday 15th November- Sunday 16th November

9.00am – 5.30pm

Franklin Wilkins building, Kings College London, Waterloo Campus

Tickets: Non-members: £35 / Members: £10

New supporters: Free

Join ORG today and get free entry!

What's ORGCon2014 about?

The first leak from Edward Snowden was published 2 days before the last ORGCon and since then we've had a year of revelations detailing how security agencies NSA and GCHQ spy on their citizens. Rather than seriously looking at reform the Government recently passed a Bill enabling mass Data Retention and a further blow to privacy.

We need to change the debate.

ORGCon will be focused on tackling the General Election 2015. Taking place the first weekend after the party conferences we will be bringing politicians in to talk about digital policy and to take your questions. Igniting the election campaign for surveillance reform, we will be asking MPs to sign on to the Don't Spy on Us 6 principles and this year we will be having a second day for activism and idea generating.
ORGCon is a place to meet with a community of people who share our goals, to hear from the experts, to discuss, campaign and be inspired.

Tickets are £35 for non-members, and £10 for members.

But you can have a ticket for free! Joining ORG will give you access to free new member tickets as a part of a limited special offer. Simply join up and follow the instructions in your welcome email.

Every year our tickets sell out fast so we suggest you grab them now!

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