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Fly Kites Not Drones: weekend of action

Beginn: Fr, 21. Mär 00:00 CET 2014
Ende:   So, 23. Mär 00:00 CET 2014
Ort:   London and Waddington
Tags: Drohnen, UK, GB, Demo, Krieg, Militär, Menschenrechte

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Fly Kites Not Drones

21st- 23rd March 2014

Afghans traditionally celebrate Now Ruz (New Year) on the 21st March, Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK is holding a weekend of solidarity with Afghans who will be facing uncertainty and the possibly of an escalation in conflict during the renegotiation of the international presence within Afghanistan.

Kite flying has become synonymous with Afghanistan as a well loved pursuit which was banned under the Taliban, now Afghans are more used to the presence of UK armed and surveillance drones flying overhead.

We are encouraging peace groups, Afghans in the UK and the Muslim community to fly kites in solidarity with Afghans who now have to live under the mental pressure and physical destruction which British drones (currently operated from RAF Waddington, Lincoln) now reap upon Afghanistan.

Non-violent youth peace group, the Afghan Peace Volunteers, currently based in Kabul, will be taking part in the international action of solidarity


FLY A KITE in your area Friday 21st- Sunday 23rd March. Take a photo and send us a mini report of your action. Make signs saying "In solidarity with peace for Afghans", "Fly Kites Not Drones" etc and give out leaflets. VCNV UK will be returning from it's third peace delegation to Kabul with a number of Afghan kites which you can order from us.
DRONE WATCH WADDINGTON 1 to 3pm, 21st March Bring a kite, banners and another other resources. The watch will be at the main gate on the A607- down a track off to the left before you reach the village of Waddington, coming from Bracebridge Heath. The no. I bus to Grantham via Waddington leaves from near Lincoln train station at 12.35 and returns again at 14.58 There will also be a live Skype link up with the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul Contact Penny.
FLY KITES NOT DRONES Saturday 22nd March 2pm LONDON (location TBC). Join a mass kite flying theatrical event in central London led by the feminist protest group 'The Activettes' who will be making props and costumes for a flamboyant daring and never forgotten action!
GLOBAL DAYS OF LISTENING. Skype the Afghan Peace Volunteers on the 21st March, share messages of solidarity and peace, an activity especially suited for young people and groups. Global Days of Listening:

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