Gezielte Tötungen in Pakistan
Beginn: Mo, 17. Feb 19:00 CET 2014Ende: Mo, 17. Feb 22:00 CET 2014
Ort: Berlin, Zossener Str. 55-58, Aufgang D
Tags: Überwachung, NSA, Militär, Drohnen, Mord, USA, Pakistan, Hilfe
Veranstaltung zu gezielte Tötungen in Pakistan
Ein wichtiger pakistanischer Zeuge, der in Europa aussagen sollte, ist neulich in Pakistan entführt worden, und es gibt eine internationale Kampagne, ihn zu befreien, z.B. Demos vor pakistanischen Botschaften usw.
Auf dieser Veranstaltung (auf Englisch) werden TeilnehmerInnen, Menschenrechtsorganisation Reprieve (UK), VertreterInnen aus Pakistan, und Andreas Schüller, ein Anwalt der zur Drohnen-Ermordung eines deutschen Bürgers
in Pakistan ein juristisches Gutachten geschrieben hat, berichten.
Veranstalter: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V. (ECCHR)
Drone strikes in Pakistan have killed countless civilians. The discussions about the use of drones and their political, ethical, moral and legal dimensions have reached the American and European public, parliaments, media, science and judiciaries. However, little is known about the situation of the local population in the affected area of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) on the Pakistani-Afghani border. Three speakers from Pakistan, Noor Khan, Noor Behram and their lawyer Shahzad Akbar, will talk about their personal experiences with drone strikes. They will share their views about the local circumstances and daily life in which drone strikes interfere. They will explain how to document individual strikes and how they have attempted to enforce their rights before the courts. Jennifer Gibson will then put the Pakistani perspective into the broader international advocacy and litigation framework.
She will present developments within the US, Europe and on the international
level as to the legality and perspectives of the use of drones for targeted
killings. Andreas Schüller will lead through the event and comment on the German Federal Prosecutor’s ceased investigation of one specific drone strike in Pakistan.
The event will take place in English.
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