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08.01.2010 Jährliches "Konfliktbarometer" des Heidelberger Instituts für Konfliktforschung erschienen
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Conflict Barometer 2009 at Institut für Friedenspädagogik - Blog

Conflict Barometer 2009
Veröffentlicht von ift Blog am 4. Januar 2010 in Neuerscheinungen und Aktuelles.

The Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Reserch (HIIK) annually publishes the Conflict Barometer, which describes recent trends in conflict development, escalations, settlements.

Summary: A total of 365 political conflicts was counted in 2009. Among those were seven wars and 24 severe crises, amounting to 31 conflicts fought out with the use of massive violence. Sporadic violent incidents occurred in 112 conflicts, which were therefore classified as crises. Nevertheless, the majority of all conflicts were conducted non-violently, with 108 cases being classified as latent and 114 as manifest conflicts. Compared to the previous year, the total number of conflicts rose slightly from 353 in 2008 to 365. The total number of non-violent conflicts rose by ten, as did the number of crises. In contrast, the number of highly violent conflicts decreased considerably from nine wars and 30 severe crises, i.e. a total of 39 highly violent conflicts, in 2008 to 31 highly violent conflicts in 2009.

The Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Reserch (HIIK) at the Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg: CONFLICT BAROMETER 2009 Crises - Wars - Coups d’E´ tat Negotiations - Mediations - Peace Settlements 18th ANNUAL CONFLICT ANALYSIS. Heidelberg 2009, 88 p.

PDF (4 MB): conflictbarometer_2009.pdf

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Tags: #ConflictBarometer #conflictresolution #Konfliktforschung #conflictresearch #HIIK #HeidelbergerInstitutfuerKonfliktforschung #annualreport #Krieg #Frieden #Gewalt #politischeKonflikte
Created: 2010-01-08 15:07:53
Hits: 4759

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