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05.01.2024 Zweite Instanz will Klimaexperten hinzuziehen

Main stream against climate glue

At the usual regulars' table discussions, it is to be expected that the participants have put their brains down before entering the "economy" or after the 3rd beer at the latest, but unfortunately the usual media also largely agree that drastic forms of protest - against car drivers - are not justified.

So far, courts have only judged this justification according to the BGB and StGB. Now the Berlin Regional Court wants to clarify a major question in a Kleber trial: Does the German government's failure to protect the climate legitimize Last Generation Actions?

There have been motions to address this question in almost every trial that has taken place to date. However, these motions have always been rejected as irrelevant. This court of second instance is now entering uncharted territory.

The Merkur reports: Experts who have nothing to do with the blockades will be invited as expert witnesses. Physicist and climate expert Brigitte Knopf, deputy chairwoman of the Federal Government's Expert Council for Climate Issues, and sociologist Simon Teune from the Institute for Protest and Movement Research will appear before the court.

The physicist Knopf explains that the last and current federal governments have failed to meet the climate protection targets in the buildings and transport sectors for years and have not complied with the prescribed measures to compensate for this. This violates the Climate Protection Act, which obliges Germany to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. And an obligation to protect future generations is enshrined in the Basic Law. The court could therefore classify the defendants' actions as an emergency. The outcome of the proceedings could therefore be exciting.

Pain grips allowed or not?

In connection with the climate protests, videos of police assaults on rally participants are becoming increasingly public. Der Spiegel has conducted an interesting interview with police researcher Hannah Espín Grau on the limits of the use of pain grips in police work and the consequences for those affected.

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Kommentar: RE: 20240105 Zweite Instanz will Klimaexperten hinzuziehen

Seht mal auch hier:
Im heutigen Artikel auf inserer Webseite lese ich im 2. Absatz über Polizeiübergriffe. Polizeigewalt nimmt meiner Meinung nach zu. In der JW las ich heute über die Schießwut bei der Polzei:

Ti., 05.01.24 16:05

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Tags: #Umwelt #Klima #Proteste #LetzteGeneration #Gericht #Urteile #ChangingCities #Autofahrer #Kfz #Wirtschaft #Grundgesetz #Klimaschutzgesetz #Polizeigewalt #Schmerzgriffe
Created: 2024-01-05 09:43:20
Hits: 300

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