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19.11.2009 ACTA treaty would bypass democratic processes
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19.11.2009: ACTA treaty would bypass democratic processes

Die französische Bürgerechtsorganisation La Quadrature du Net hat noch einmal davor gewarnt, dass die Verhandlungen der EU mit den USA, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia und weiteren Ländern für das ACTA Abkommen vor der Öffentlichkeit geheim gehalten werden. Waren bis März diesen Jahres alle Dokumente noch unter Verschluss, so gibt es inzwischen einige Draft Versionen.

secretly negotiating a trade treaty aimed at enforcing copyright and tackling counterfeited goods (Anti-Counterfeinting Trade Agreement). Specifically, leaked documents show that one of the major goal of the treaty is to force signatory countries into implementing anti file-sharing policies under the form of three-strikes schemes and net filtering practices.

At a time when important debates are taking place on the need to adapt copyright to the digital age, this treaty would bypass democratic processes in order to enforce a fundamentally irrelevant regulatory regime. It would profoundly alter the very nature of the Internet as we know it by putting an end to net neutrality.

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Tags: #LaQuadratureduNet #ACTA #Copyright #threestrikes #Netzneutralitaet #filesharing #EU #USA
Created: 2009-11-19 07:52:42
Hits: 3876

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