About Aktion Freiheit statt Angst 
About the Action Alliance The alliance Freedom Not Fear is a platform that will coordinate the peaceful protest for a free democratic society and against mass surveillance, data retention and uncontrolled endless expansion of the "security sector".
The Alliance will support the dialogue between society, associations and politics in relation to security and surveillance legislation. It will work as service providers for organizations, associations, institutions, activist groups and people who are comitted to the same objectives.
It brings together and disseminates legal and political expertise. It disseminates actual information on current political developments. It aims to educate and inform through information stalls, seminars, lectures and workshops. It organizes and coordinates the creative and peaceful protest.
As an umbrella organization in the form of a non-profit association it should represent and include the interests of members and member organizations in national and international bodies.
The Action Alliance is independent and is working with all parties, civil society, philosophical and religious organizations and institutions, committed to a democratic and free society. The alliance explicitly excludes a cooperation with violent and inhuman positions.
Why we are a registered association? With the establishment of the Action Alliance Freedom Not Fear we will carry on a professionalisation of the joint successful work against mass surveillance from the years 2007-2009 in the medium and long term. In the first place, one of the reasons for this professionalisation is that the existing alliance work did not provide formal rules for the cooperation between activists, organizations and political actors. Secondly we did not have our own infrastructure such as our own bank account, office or staff.
Another important reason is the enlargement on the subject of data retention, for which there was no formal basis.
We therefore decided in 2009, after many discussions with representatives of different organizations and experienced movement workers, to found a association. There were already intensive preliminary talks with some organizations. Of course, we are happy to work together intensively, even if a formal membership is not wanted by an organization or is not possible under the statutes.
According to our statutes, the association is designed as an alliance platform so that organizations can also formally (but gladly continue to be informal) apply their interests by becoming a member of the decision-making bodies.There is also a joint declaration, elaborated by the founding members of the association, which can be signed by organizations but foremost private individuals. No membership is required.
individual member: Of course everyone is welcome in the association and in fact
there is some work waiting for active people.
active groups: Especially the local and regional active groups form
a broad-based network and represent a basis for activists.
The active participation doesn't require the membership. Your vote is equal to the voice of a member.
organizations: Mainly we want to focus on the linkage of the movement and the
involved participants such as associations,
clubs and parties. We also want to provide a competent and professional platform, as well as an alliance
platform in general, in which organizations can also participate.
We welcome all organizations that are committed to democracy, democratic rights, freedom, citizenship, refugee and human rights, peace, intercultural understanding, freedom of expression as well as the principle of non-violence. Inhuman standpoints of any kind are undesirable.
Please advertise the individual and sponsoring membership in your circle of colleagues and friends. Please check with other organizations that are known to you, if they are interested in working with us!
For more information on the membership, see " becoming a member" and in the "constitution of the association".
Is the membership required? Membership is desirable, not compelling, it allows the direct exercise of control and co-determination to decisions of the association as a legal person, but is not absolutely necessary. However, anyone who wishes to participate as a natural or legal person in the control of policy and use of the funds should decide for a membership.
Our first principle is democratic transparency. We have made the statutes open and participatory - in a clearly formulated structure, which makes efficient and responsible work possible. All decisions and the work of the association are aligned with the principles of the Transparent Civil Society and are open to the public on the web, since the beginning of 2017 we have been supporting Transparency International's transparent civil society initiative.
Nobody can strive for a sense of opinion leadership, everyone can get involved through cooperation, every organization can send representatives to the bodies of the association and make the decisions fair.
Operation And Tasks Coordination Office
The Coordination Office primarily serves as a service and focal point for activists, local and regional location, as well as organizations and institutions. It offers information, contacts, networking, and information on current legislation in the field of homeland security and surveillance, and it supports as well campaigns and information.
The Action Freedom Not Fear needs your support for the planning, coordination, implementation and of
- Campaigns
- Information booths
- Information evenings
- Panel discussions
- Conferences
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Protest actions
and for the actual work, the maintenance of contacts in politics and society, participation in political decision-making processes and thus we need a few financial resources. The activists and member organizations should work together in specific working groups (BAG) to bring in expertise, or even to develop new thematic campaigns .
The Action Alliance is also in the planning, coordination and organization of international campaigns and actions and to bring in international legal organizations or NGOs.
We are focusing on the following areas:
- Coordination, networking and national exchange (Coordination office Berlin) and international
- Legal, sociological and cultural expertise
- Advice, opinions, appeals and other remedies
- Information and education
- Lectures, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, information booths
- Activism and public protest
- Press releases, art actions, protests, campaigns (on- and offline)
Participation The Alliance for Action provides participation opportunities for people not embedded into other organizational structures (and mainly lives by that), as well as for local, regional and national organizations, associations and institutions. ...for active people
Active people have two ways of getting involved:
- in local and regional groups (Ortsgruppen)
- in specific local working groups working on one subject (LAG)
For both a formal membership is usually not necessary unless on a local or regional level it is determined different.
For everyone, there are many opportunities for participation:
- Information exchange
- Supportive assistance (planning, coordination, implementation ...) of information booths, info events, protests, art actions, campaigns ...
- Creating and distributing information material (flyers, stickers, posters, videos, audio spots, texts ...)
- Design of information material
- Design and production of other campaign materials
- Contacts with authorities, institutions, organizations, associations...
...for member organizations
Institutions, associations, organizations, clubs, etc. have the opportunity to get actively involved at three levels:
- about their local and regional breakdowns in the local and regional groups (Ortsgruppen)
- on the nationwide advisory board
- on the specific local working groups (LAGs) and Special Federal Workgroups (BAG)
... for local and regional groups (Ortsgruppen)
Local and regional groups (Ortsgruppen) have many advantages in the nationwide action alliance Freiheit statt Angst by their membership:
- they have votes by their delegates in the overall alliance
- they receive the support of a nationwide structure to build and develop their own structure
- they can use the combined resources of the nation-wide alliance
The local groups (Ortsgruppen) do not necessarily need a solid legal entity (eg association) if they have a posted evidence of the legitimacy of their local delegates.
So come by, be with us - for freedom without fear!
An overview of our topics can be found either in our flyers or in our web browsing
Category[8]: Über uns Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/11F
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/82-aktion-freiheit-statt-angst.html
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/82-aktion-freiheit-statt-angst.html
Tags: #überuns #AktionFreiheitstattAngst #Verein #Gruende #Aktionsbuendnis #AktionFsA #Kampf #Ueberwachungswahn #Buergerrechte #Arbeitsweise #Aufgaben #Koordination #Foerderung #Workshop #Information #Partizipation #Teilnahme #Ortsgruppen #mitmachen #Buendnis
Created: 2009-03-04 19:44:54
Hits: 29136
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