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04.09.2020 FRA diskutierte mit der EU Kommission Gesichtserkennung

The European Commission discusses biometric identification systems

As an organisation working in the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRP) of the EU, we report on their publications when they concern our issues. Yesterday the European Commission had a discussion with the FRA about the acceptance of biometric identification systems.

FRA to participate at European Commission webinar on biometric identification systems

Remote biometric identification systems, such as facial recognition, are regularly identified as a candidate for regulation. The European Commission White Paper on AI of 19 February stated that in order to address possible societal concerns relating to the use of AI for such purposes in public places, and to avoid fragmentation in the internal market, the European Commission will launch a broad European debate on the specific circumstances, if any, which might justify such use, and on common safeguards.

The Commission is organising a webinar on 3 September allowing key technical experts in the field to share their expertise on the topic. FRA is participating in the discussions to share its expertise based on the FRA paper on facial recognition technology and ongoing work on AI.

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Kommentar: RE: 20200904 FRA diskutierte mit der EU Kommission Gesichtserkennung

Warum steht das überhaupt zur Diskussion? Biometrische Systeme erheben und verarbeiten besondere Personen bezogene Daten und fallen damit unter GDPR und andere Datenschutzgesetze. Ist das nicht eindeutig?
Oder sollen KI's (also Automaten) Menschen kontrollieren?

C., 04.09.2020 12:09

RE: 20200904 FRA diskutierte mit der EU Kommission Gesichtserkennung

"Oder sollen KI's (also Automaten) Menschen kontrollieren?"
Was denn sonst?

La., 04.09.2020 12:25

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Created: 2020-09-04 09:51:40
Hits: 942

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