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04.07.2020 Wahlbeeinflussung durch (a)soziale Medien

Facebook is pocketing MILLIONS from Trump

Trump No 63: Facebook advertising is an insidious cancer in our society. Our laws are written on the assumption that advertising is apolitical. But that's not how Facebook works. Our laws must understand the way Facebook and Google advertising works. The monopolies have changed the way advertising works.

In the meantime, we cannot allow Trump to run a horrible, lawless campaign of lies. Trump's ads are very targeted and they go through so many variations that even the Facebook ad library, with its sheer volume, cannot keep up with scrutiny.

Donald Trump's re-election campaign buys hundreds of ads on Facebook that spread dangerous disinformation about voting. But Facebook refuses to remove these proven false ads - and the company continues to generate advertising revenue from them.

With a petition, we are urging key oversight bodies to investigate Facebook's greed to profit from political ads that spread election lies.

Facebook has repeatedly refused to bind Trump to any kind of standard on its platform. To this day, he continues to spread harmful disinformation about the possibilities of a postal vote. Trump's re-election campaign has already purchased over 500 Facebook ads that spread false claims of election fraud.

These false, irresponsible ads run unchecked because Facebook exempts the ads of politicians - including Trumps - from any fact-checking. And although Facebook claims to ban political ads that discourage people from voting, the company has done nothing to stop the Trump campaign from publishing its harmful ads.

Racism, deliberately false and misleading political advertising, bigotry and hatred have raged on Facebook for far too long.

We are joining leading civil rights organisations in urging the big brands to withdraw their ads from Facebook during July and send a signal to Facebook that hatred and disinformation is undermining our democracy.

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Kommentar: RE: 20200704 Wahlbeeinflussung durch (a)soziale Medien

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Ic., 04.07.2020 18:39

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Tags: #FacebookUSA #Wahlkampf #Trump #Hass #Lügen #Manipulation #Anonym #Freiwilligkeit #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Ergonomie #Datenpannen #Datenskandale #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsmonopol #Diskriminierung #Ausbeutung
Created: 2020-07-04 07:12:10
Hits: 834

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