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05.06.2020 Gefängnis-Aufruhrtruppen auf der Straße?

"Federal Officers" wearing no badges or consistent uniforms?

Trump No 61: No, the forces of law and order in the USA seldom look so "civilian" - the demonstrators were confronted with well-equipped Robocobs. Nevertheless, even for these normally rules apply, e.g. it must be recognizable that they are police officers and their identification should at least allow them to be assigned to a unit.

In addition, a general separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary applies to a democracy. This should also apply to the Attorney General of the USA, Willaim Barr. Now we hear the incredible claim of this Attorney General William Barr, formerly within the CIA, that Donald Trump asked him to coordinate security at the White House and in Washington, D.C. Moreover, this is a move that appears to undermine or override the authority of the Department of Homeland Security and appears to grant Barr powers far beyond those of his own department.

Daily Kos writes: Barr and those he assembled for a vile and unconvincing press briefing today appeared to confirm that the unidentified "federal officers" wearing no badges or consistent uniforms were indeed Bureau of Prisons riot teams, one of the few federal law enforcement teams under Barr's legitimate control. He dismissed calls for them to identify themselves.

Democrats, protesters, civil rights experts, and others are outraged, blasting Barr's unmarked army as "an American secret police."

After the attack on St. John's Church near the White House, the clergy were evicted just to give Trump the opportunity to enter the church without permission for a photo shoot. The "policemen" prevented Bishop Mariann Budde from returning to the church for a planned vigil, since the church is now within the new "security cordon". This barrier has been extended even further, although the protests in the area continue to be peaceful.

Several former Trump-friendly politicians and military officials are now expressing their horror, i.e. former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis publicly and strongly condemning Trump. On the other hand, the Trump campaign, which seeks to continue to incite extreme right-wing violence, today sent an email to its supporters urging them to join the "Trump Army", which it described as "the president's first line of defense in fending off the liberal mob.

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Kommentar: RE: 20200605 Gefängnis-Aufruhrtruppen auf der Straße?

For months now, Open The Government has sounded the alarm on the dangers of facial recognition technology used by law enforcement agencies, the opacity surrounding them, and the lack of accountability software companies face when the technology fails.

Tragically, in Michigan just a few weeks ago, one of these dangers became a reality when an innocent man named Robert Williams was arrested in Detroit due to faulty artificial intelligence. Police arrested Williams in front of his wife and two young daughters and detained him for 30 hours despite being completely innocent of the crime he was said to have committed.

The case of Robert Williams should strike deep concern in all of us in this country who believe in the principles of due process and justice. We must stand up and demand better from our law enforcement agencies.

Open The Government, 02.07.2020 21:25

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Tags: #Polizei #Geheimdienste #Zensur #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Geheimpolizei #Justizminister #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Militär #Diskriminierung #Ungleichbehandlung #Rechtsaußen #Faschisten #Rassismus #USA #Trump
Created: 2020-06-05 09:00:54
Hits: 819

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