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29.05.2020 Mehr Engagement gegen rechts!

Places of Nazi crimes become targets of rights

Whether laying bombs, toppling memorial stones or "only" painting swastikas - hundreds of attacks by right-wing radicals against the memorials at Nazi crime sites have been carried out in recent years. In a detailed article in the  taz, Peter Laudenbach lists the individual acts of recent years.

Only in the rarest cases were the perpetrators caught. Their message is clear: they want to mock the victims of that time again and threaten those who stand in their way today. In 2017, the AfD politician Björn Höcke, who can be called a Nazi in a court of law, called for a "180-degree turnaround in memory policy".

With the rise of the AfD these attacks have increased considerably. Workers at memorial sites are threatened or ridiculed, guided tours are repeatedly disrupted. AfD politicians in parliaments complain about the "guilt complex" and question the work and financing of Nazi memorials.

We demand consistent educational work from the police and must demand more commitment from us against the right. The crimes of fascism must not be forgotten - only then can we prevent a repetition!

Read more!5684941/

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Tags: #AfD #RechtsaußenNeo-Nazis #NSU #Faschisten #Rassismus #Gedenkstätten #Anschläge #Drohungen #Erinnerungskultur
Created: 2020-05-29 07:48:20
Hits: 1078

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