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05.05.2020 Drohnen sollen beim Einparken helfen

EU "research money" continues to be wasted

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst has committed itself in the years 2013-2016 under the motto Stop Orwell 2020 to a sensible EU research policy and against projects for the surveillance of people. To this end, we had analysed the corresponding projects in the FP7 and FP8 framework programmes.

Some of you may remember INDECT, the linking of data from social networks with face recognition from video surveillance, or ACTBIO(?), the lie detector chair that analyses the body functions of the person being interrogated.

Heise now reports on a "completely civilian project" that is designed to help people with the tiresome task of finding a parking space: "The concept, developed by the Institute of Transportation Systems Technology at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as part of the EU project Autopilot (Automated Driving Progresses by the Internet Of Things), allows drivers to park their robot car at a fixed point such as the office and send it to the parking lot via app."

In the "Automated Valet Parking" project fully autonomous flying drones know about the available parking spaces in the vicinity and direct the vehicles there.

What don't you like about this project, which is easy on the nerves of drivers?

  • It's not easy on the nerves when drones buzz through the street canyons at a height of 3-4 meters!
  • Even if one drone could operate 10 or 20 cars "simultaneously", tens of thousands of drones would be on the road in the city.
  • After the reduction of traffic problems in the Corona crisis, we want an ecological change in traffic, which will solve the parking problem by itself.
  • Über die Häufung von Fehlern durch die Verknüpfung von Systemen hatten wir in anderen Systemen bereits berichtet.
  • All kinds of services and companies are surely already rejoicing over the possibilities of monitoring by such drones in/above our streets.
  • Besides, we see again the military, who dream of "dual use" by thinking up deadly extensions for such drones.
  • As with all "autonomous" operations, the problem of liability arises when something goes wrong for all sorts of reasons.

Allegedly, the project partners Continental, Gemalto, T-Systems, TomTom, Huawei, the French PSA group and IBM in the EU-funded Autopilot initiative, which has received almost 20 million euros, have also investigated what requirements, expectations and concerns users of autonomous technology have.

Does it also address concerns? We would be interested in the final report.

Read more
and our article collection "Stop Orwell 2020" on the EU research projects FP7 and FP8

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Tags: #StopOrwell #EUForschung #FP7 #FP8 #Autopilot #Drohnen #Kfz #PKW #Assistenzsysteme #Lauschangriff #Überwachung #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #Videoüberwachung #Rasterfahndung #Datenbanken #Entry-ExitSystem #eBorder #Freizügigkeit #Unschuldsvermutung #Verhaltensänderung
Created: 2020-05-05 07:44:38
Hits: 792

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