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12.04.2020 Für Solidarität statt weiterer Aggression

Easter - Feast of Peace?

On several occasions, UN Secretary General Guterres has called upon the states of the world to lay down their arms in the face of the Corona Pandemic in the various conflicts of this world. While we experience from some countries helpfulness and solidarity, the policy of the USA is further on the way of the aggression and the "America First".

The US Peace Council writes to us on the occasion of the Virtual Easter Marches (especially proclaimed in Germany):

On several occasions, UN Secretary General Guterres has called upon the states of the world to lay down their arms in the face of the Corona Pandemic in the various conflicts of this world. While we experience from some countries helpfulness and solidarity, the policy of the USA is further on the way of the aggression and the "America First".

The US Peace Council writes to us on the occasion of the Virtual Easter Marches (especially proclaimed in Germany):

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world are working to support each other and are calling for peace.

  • China, Russia, Cuba, and others are sending health professionals and medical supplies to countries hard-hit by the virus.
  • Many groups like the G77, the United Nations and European countries are calling for an end to sanctions. France, Germany and the United Kingdom bypassed the US sanctions on Iran to send medical supplies using a new trading tool called Instex.
  • United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made an appeal for a global ceasefire and scores of countries have signed on.

These beautiful actions of international solidarity are desperately needed at a time of multiple crises - disease, war, poverty, and climate chaos. But the United States is an outlier. Instead of showing solidarity, the United States is ratcheting up the pressure on countries like Venezuela and Iran.

  • The US imposed more illegal coercive measures on Venezuela and Iran to cause suffering and death by preventing the purchase of necessities.
  • On March 24, Venezuela stopped an attempt to bring weapons into the country from Colombia that were going to be used in another US-led coup effort.

  • On March 26, the US Department of Justice filed false drug trafficking charges on President Nicolas Maduro and other officials, including a $15 million bounty for Maduro's arrest.
  • On April 1, President Trump announced the US would be sending warships and the military to Latin America.

These are desperate acts of aggression that are showing the rest of the world that the US will stop at nothing to impose its will on other countries. Many peace groups are working together to organize activities that people can do even though we are sheltering in place.

Take Action: Sign the Open Letter to the US government and United Nations against the US war on Venezuela.

This can be your personal action for the Virtual Easter Marches.

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Tags: #Petition #USA #UNO #Venezuela #Iran #Russland #China #Cuba #Solidarität #Aggression #SchuleohneMilitär #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln
Created: 2020-04-12 08:25:39
Hits: 733

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