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21.03.2020 Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für 6 Monate

Demand a Europe-wide test for a basic income!

Things the market has "regulated" lately:
 - Prices of urgently needed FFP2 protective masks rise by 3000%
 - Multibillion companies no longer pay rent
 - Demand for professions such as nurse*in continues to rise, payment remains equally poor

Before you have to look for your money with a magnifying glass, something should happen. The ECB is making big promises and printing "money for the economy" again., on the other hand, has drawn our attention to the Europe-wide initiative Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), an international network covering 25 EU countries. reports: The corona crisis has already brought to their knees those who have not been able to build savings. Rent, food and credit rates must continue to be paid. The crisis is hitting the weakest in all of Europe quickly and existentially. This requires a coordinated response across the EU.
We demand an emergency basic income in the EU - now!

European leaders have to step up and say without delay: We will help! The EU has the means and the authority to do it now.

Politics are already shifting - even in seemingly unlikely places. The United States government just announced a $1000 payment for all US citizens for two months. The UK government is not excluding a similar measure.

Extraordinary payments are making headlines in mainstream media. Before we know it, EU leaders will be on to this. Let’s make sure they get it right.

Since the last major crisis in 2008, the EU has pumped trillions of Euros into the failing financial sector. Now it is time to support the people.

Basic income is an unconditional monthly payment for every person, in an amount which guarantees a basic level of everyday security. The system is easy, quick to introduce and requires minimum bureaucracy.

With this appeal, we are proposing an unconditional monthly payment for each person - at a level that secures their livelihood in everyday life. The great advantage of such a system is that it requires a minimum of bureaucracy and can therefore be set up quickly.

Basic income is an unconditional monthly payment for every person, in an amount which guarantees a basic level of everyday security. The system is easy, quick to introduce and requires minimum bureaucracy.

And we know that the European institutions are working on a big rescue plan. This is the moment for us to influence what they decide and to recognise the opportunity to make a big change.

Crises can bring out the best or worst in us. Let's go for the best. Many people are using this as an opportunity for creativity and solidarity. The EU must also do this.

The entire economic system is changing right now. Dogmas fall, narratives shift. Leaders are looking for solutions. They were very creative when they were saving the banks, and they can be creative now, in a moment when 22% of Europeans already at risk of poverty are now in danger of spiralling further.

We must make sure the EU acts. Sign!

In Solidarity
The Team of WeMove Europe

The petition also makes it clear once again that a basic income also

  • reaches countless students and others who depend on their 450€ jobs to survive,
  • helps the countless self-employed, creative people, musicians, artists, event organisers and survival artists,

- as well as all those who would not be entitled to short-time work compensation and other benefits.

There is no better way to test the basic income concept - the crisis offers the greatest opportunity.

Read more
and the Petition
and PEPP of the EZB

Kommentar: 20200321 Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für 6 Monate

Grundeinkommen – Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?
Geld für alle, bedingungslos: Die Krise ist der Moment für eine smarte Idee
Mehr dazu

Fr., 15.04.2020 18:03

RE: 20200321 Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für 6 Monate

Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen findet auf der ganzen Welt immer mehr Anhänger: Die spanische Regierung plant die Einführung, die USA unterstützen ihre Bürger/innen mit einer Einmalzahlung, Frankreich diskutiert eine Mindestsicherung, sogar der Papst fordert eine Version davon! Sie haben verstanden: In der Krise müssen alle geschützt werden. Aber die europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs haben das Grundeinkommen noch nicht auf die Tagesordnung ihrer Konferenz am kommenden Donnerstag gesetzt - noch nicht.

WeMove.EU, 20.04.2020 13:46

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Tags: #Grundeinkommen #Soziales #Gleichberechtigung #Gender #Diskriminierung #Ungleichbehandlung #HartzIV #Gewerkschaft #Mitbestimmung #Koalitionsfreiheit #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Verhaltensänderung #Corona
Created: 2020-03-21 09:37:23
Hits: 996

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