Chelsea Manning free after one year of confinementLast Thursday – after almost one year of confinement – Chelsea Manning was released. She was imprisoned for contempt of court and refusing to testify before a grand jury about matters related to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In 2010 she found the "Collateral Murder Video" about the intentional killing of journalists by US Military in Iraq and passed it on to WikiLeaks. The US government quickly identified Manning and tried her before a military court. In 2013, she was sentenced to 35 years in prison. In 2017, President Obama commuted Manning's sentence and she was freed. In 2019, federal prosecutors called her to testify before a grand jury as the government built its case against Julian Assange. She was held for one year in prison and sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000 per day, resulting in a personal debt of about $250,000. Now is the time to prove that the secretive grand jury process – which the prosecutors used to obtain indictments against the defendants – was illegitimate. We still have to figth for the freedom of other whistleblowers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Read more https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/03/chelsea-manning-is-out-of-jail-after-almost-a-year/ Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/38q Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7201-20200314-beugehaft-fuer-chelsea-manning-beendet.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7201-20200314-beugehaft-fuer-chelsea-manning-beendet.html Tags: #Freilassung #Beugehaft #Whistleblowing #ChelseaManning #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #CollateralMurderVideo #Zensur #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Cyberwar #Hacking #Großbritannien #USA Created: 2020-03-14 10:27:53 Hits: 864 Leave a Comment |
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