What's a "conspiracy theory"? We won't be able to give the answer to this question, but we can already say that the path that YouTube is taking now cannot be the right one.
Everybody has "enjoyed" such experiences on YouTube and many have already demanded that YouTube be held responsible, too. In January of last year, YouTube agreed to do something – and something has been done. A team of developers and researchers from the UC Berkeley School of Information, the University of California and the Mozilla Foundation analysed a list of 1,080 YouTube channels from October 2018 to the present day. They collected the 20 first recommendations of the Watch Next algorithm on a daily basis, based on the last video from the start channels, and examined the titles and keywords of these recommendations. The result of their investigations coincides with the information from YouTube, namely that the number of videos of "conspiracy theories" has been falling continuously. YouTube itself even speaks of a decline of 50% by summer 2019 and 70% by December. The researchers found that theories about 9/11 and the flat earth have almost completely disappeared from YouTube recommendations, but a disproportionate number of videos denying climate change have now appeared. Conclusion: 1. Unfortunately, the investigation says nothing to the above mentioned selection of right-wing hate.
Kommentar: RE: 20200310 Einfluss von Google auf die Nachrichtenauswahl bei Youtube Use #PeerTube instead of #YouTube to avoid #censorship. https://joinpeertube.org Gü., 20.03.20 08:57 Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/38m Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7197-20200310-einfluss-von-google-auf-die-nachrichtenauswahl-bei-youtube.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7197-20200310-einfluss-von-google-auf-die-nachrichtenauswahl-bei-youtube.html Tags: #Google #Youtube #Verschwörungstheorie #9/11 #Aliens #Erdscheibe #Überwachung #Zensur #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Whistleblowing #geheim #NSA #Lauschangriff #Überwachung Created: 2020-03-10 15:20:26 Hits: 953 Leave a Comment |
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