No welcome for the "bloody Hillery" at the BerlinaleWe can still remember the pictures from the war against Libya in 2011. At the request of the USA, the UN Security Council has agreed to allow the Western states to control a "no-fly zone". Instead of, as assumed, only preventing the air movements of the Libyan military and arms deliveries to the country, US and British aircraft in particular bombed the country to rubble and ashes within a few months. More than 40,000 people were killed in these attacks. The then US Secretary of State, Hillery Clinton, played a decisive role in the creation of today's Libya, a "Failed State". After Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya was on the list of Wolfowitz's think tank to carry out a "regime change". Syria, Yemen and Iran are still on that list. Hillery Clinton was invited to the premiere of a film about her life at the Berlinale on Monday. The film omits these less praiseworthy parts of her life. That's why activists of the peace movement appeared on the red carpet and distributed flyers about "Killery" and shouted Murder und "Ring the bell, Hillary to hell". Bloody Hillary - A corrupt friend of the arms industry Hillary Clinton - in the film HILLARY - turns into a feminist. The lady does not talk about the thousands of women's lives that this "feminist" destroyed during her term of office - in Libya and Iraq, for example. Neither the filmmaker nor the Berlinale want to show the bloody face of Clinton. The shouts of the peace movement at this reception were even noticed by the media - and they reported about it. Read more https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationaler_Milit%C3%A4reinsatz_in_Libyen_2011 Kommentar: RE: 20200226 FriedensaktivistInnen bei der Berlinale Vielleicht ein wichtiger Hinweise: Joe, 26.02.2020 11:24 Category[25]: Schule ohne Militär Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/387 Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7183-20200226-friedensaktivistinnen-bei-der-berlinale.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7183-20200226-friedensaktivistinnen-bei-der-berlinale.html Tags: #HillaryClinton #Außenministerin #USA #Libyen #Flugverbotszone #Tote #SchuleohneMilitär #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln Created: 2020-02-26 09:45:05 Hits: 2154 Leave a Comment |
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