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16.10.2009 "No to war - no to NATO"
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Berlin: "No to war - no to NATO", International Working Conference  
von Freitag, 16. Oktober 2009 -  15:00
bis Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009 - 16:00

international working conference

“No to war -  No to NATO”

Time: 16th to 18th of October 2009
Location: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Franz - Mehring - Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Friday, October 16th 2009         

3 – 6 pm Meeting of the International Afghanistan Network which was                
established in Hannover, June 2008. Discussion about the political        
situation in the region and possible common activities against the war  

7 – 9 pm International public meeting to Afghanistan (needs to be discussed and 
decided in the German peace movement)         
Saturday, October 17th and Sunday, October 18th  2009
International working conference “No to war - No to NATO”


Saturday, October 17th 2009

10.30 am Meeting of the ICC

12.30 - 2 pm Start of the Conference
Welcome by Arielle Denis, Reiner Braun
• Lecture: NATO, Obama and the Crisis
Speaker: Elmar Altvater
Moderation: Arielle Denis
2 – 2.15 pm Short Break

2.15 – 3 pm Plenary:
• Evaluation of the peace politics and actions from the Strasbourg
Anti NATO protest up to now (including NATO/EU relations, Nato
enlargement to the East including missile shields, NATO/UN
agreement, EU elections, Pakistan, NATO strategy debate, eg.)
5-minute-introductions: Monty Schädel (Germany), Arielle Denis
(France), Andreas Speck (WRI), Kate Hudson (GB), Petros
Constantinou (Greece), Cynthia Cockburn (GB), Temur Pipia
(Georgia), Jordy Calvo (Spain)

3 – 5 pm Plenary:
• Open Discussion
Moderation: Hannelore Tölke

5 – 5.30 pm Break

5.30– 8 pm Plenary:
• Discussion of the political basis of our anti NATO network and the
anti NATO campaign of 2010-2012
• Discussion about our NATO campaign: thoughts for future
common goals and actions
• Discussion of our position on violence at future actions
Introduction speech: First ideas for political basis and the campaign
Speaker: Reiner Braun
• First discussion
Moderation: Kate Hudson

8 – 8.30 pm Establishment of the working groups for the next day (list of working
groups: see Sunday)
Procedure to establish the working groups:
The final decisions on the working groups will be made on Saturday at 8pm. All working
groups with more than three interested people will take place. We ask all of you to help - if
you are interested - in preparing and sharing one of these working groups. The preparation
of the working groups should be an ongoing process.

8.30 pm Party

Sunday, October 17th 2009

8.30 – 11.00 am Working groups:

Possible workings groups could be (final decision on Saturday evening)
1. From now to the NATO summit 2010
2. The “future NATO” (global NATO, NATO relations to Russia, etc)
3. NATO/EU, NATO/UN relations
4. Afghanistan/Pakistan and a possible campaign
5. Israel-Palestine
6. Nuclear weapons and NPT
7. Feminist militaristic critics
8. Structure of the network: political basis, coalition building,
(other and further working groups are possible)

11.30am – 1.30 pm Plenary (prepared by: Reiner Braun, Arielle Denis, Kate Hudson, Annie
McStravick, Andreas Speck, Hannelore Tölke):
• Summary of conclusions and decisions
• Decisions about organisational structures
• Decision about time and location of the next meeting
2 - 4 pm Meting of the new “Committee”

Organisational Notes:

  1. 1. Registration: please send an email to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Sie müssen JavaScript aktivieren, damit Sie sie sehen können.
  2. 2. Contribution: 25 Euro, 5 Euro (reduced)
  3. 3. We will organize English – French and German simultaneous translation on Saturday and Sunday in the Plenaries.
  4. 4. The Afghanistan working meeting on Friday afternoon will be in English, the evening meeting in German and English depending on the speakers.
  5. 5. Accommodation: some private accommodation is available. Please send your requests for private accommodation to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Sie müssen JavaScript aktivieren, damit Sie sie sehen können. Otherwise please book your own accommodation. The following (cheap) hotels/ hostels are close to the location of the conference:
    • Pegasus Hostel:
    • Hotel Comenius:
    • Juncker's Hotel Garni:
    • Ibis Berlin City Ost:
  6. 6. Changes in the program are possible.
  7. 7. We will send a second, detailed program in mid September.

Please feel free to send this invitation to colleagues, friends, and interested
Developed by:
Reiner Braun, Arielle Denis, Kate Hudson, Annie McStravick, Andreas Speck, Hannelore
Ort : Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Franz - Mehring - Platz 1, 10243 Berlin

Category[27]: Polizei&Geheimdienste Short-Link to this page:
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Tags: #FsaMitteilung #Notowar-notoNATO #war #NATO #Peace #Frieden #Konferenz #Berlin #Termin #IALANA #InternationalAfghanistanNetwork #Friedenspolitik #Friedensforschung #ZivileKonfliktbearbeitung
Created: 2009-10-15 08:31:09
Hits: 5991

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