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03.06.2018 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

NATO's march against Russia continues

Also our yesterday's participation in the Frieden Geht! has not yet moved politics to rethink. The general staffs continue to work on the expansion of the "Eastern Front".

For the Nato conference in July there is amongst other things this agenda:

  • the existing "Nato spearhead", the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), the NATO Response Force (NRF) and the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) should be strengthened in case     of conflict by further troops,
  • an additional 30,000 troops or 30 battalions, 30 squadrons of aircraft (360 aircraft) and 30 ships to be operational in 30 days,
  • the "membership aspirations" of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia and Ukraine should be examined favorably,
  • still unclear are possible accessions by Sweden and Finland, Ireland, Serbia and Moldova

While the accession of Ukraine is desired but probably not risked, the proponents of a reception of Georgia are increasing. There, after the war with the breakaway, Russia-recognized and militarily secured provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, there is a direct front to Russia. If Georgia were a member of NATO, NATO members could easily involve other members in an open war with Russia.

In order to 'get a formal uptake', it would be possible to temporarily transpose Article 6 of the NATO Treaty, which defines the territories defined by Article 5, i. the duty of assistance, are protected, so redefine that South Ossetia and Abkhazia "temporarily" do not fall under it. Then all of Georgia would join NATO, but only in about 80 percent of the country would the security guarantees of the Alliance apply. A similar "adaptation" has already been applied in 1951 to Turkey and Greece, despite territorial disputes over some of the Aegean islands.

In addition to the NATO summit, there is also an upgrade "by the way"

The agency Reuters reported discussions in the Pentagon to station the missile defense system Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in Germany. Such a system has already been installed in the Romanian Deveselu. It complements an Aegis missile defense system, which has also been operational there since 2016, with interceptor missiles of the type SM-3 IB and another in Redzikowo, Poland, where work will continue for another two years.

This missile defense system was planned after the departure of the Bush administration from the ABM agreement in 2002 and led decisively to the escalation between Russia and NATO. According to NATO official opinion, all missile defense systems are directed against North Korea and Iran, although e.g. the longest Iranian missiles could reach Bulgaria at the most.

Russia, as in the decision under Barack Obama to relocate a THAAD system to South Korea, will also react "annoyed" at an installation in Germany. This will further worsen the relationship between Germany and Russia, because US military officials are certain that the black and red government will not oppose this move. "The first assessment is that Germany is unlikely to have a problem with a THAAD transfer," he said. Chief of European Command, General Curtis Scaparrotti.

The military always seem to forget that the locations of such weapon collections automatically become the target coordinates of missiles elsewhere.

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Kommentar: RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

Raketenabwehr - ist entweder defensiv, oder bringt offensive "Nebenaufrüstung" mit sich. Oder ist es dual usable? Irgendwo fehlen mir ein paar zusätzliche Informationen. Wieso wird bei Raketenabwehr von Eskalation geschrieben? Den ganzen anderen Natoscheiss versteh ich ja, leider.

Missile Defense - is either defensive or favored offensive "secondary armor". Or is it dual usable? I'm missing some additional information somewhere. Why is missile defense written by escalation? The whole other Natoscheiss I understand yes, unfortunately.

D., 03.06.2018 12:37

RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

Raketenabwehr ist leider überhaupt nicht defensiv. Der ABM Vertrag wurde am 26. Mai 1972 mit unbefristeter Gültigkeit abgeschlossen und war ein Vertrag zwischen den USA und der UdSSR zur Begrenzung von Raketenabwehrsystemen, um ein Gleichgewicht zu erzeugen (wer zuerst schießt ist als 2. tot) .
Reagans Star War Pläne (SDI) waren der Anfang von dem Wahn, man könnte den Zweitschlag überleben.
Das ist hirnrissig bei 5-6000 Atomraketen auf jeder Seite

Missile defense is unfortunately not defensive at all. The ABM contract was concluded on May 26, 1972, with indefinite validity, and was an agreement between the US and the USSR to limit missile defense systems to create a balance (who shoots first is dead as 2).
Reagan's Star War Plans (SDI) were the beginning of the delusion that you could survive the second strike.
This is crazy with 5-6000 nuclear missiles on each side

R., 03.06.2018 13:21

RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

Autsch, ja, macht Sinn. Wenn eine Seite meint, einen Erstschlag auslösen zu müssen in der Überzeugung, dass durch die Raketenabwehr der Zweitschlag "nur minimale" Schäden im eigenen Land verursachen würden. Aber müsste nicht auch ein Erstschlag von der anderen Seite abgefangen werden können? Naja, nicht alle. Die alten weißen Männer haben ja auch noch U-Boote im Wasser und Bomber in der Luft.

Ouch, yes, makes sense. If one side thinks it is necessary to trigger a first strike in the belief that missile defense would make the second strike "minimal" in its own country. But would not a first strike have to be intercepted from the other side? Well, not all. The old white men also have submarines in the water and bombers in the air.

D., 03.06.2018 13:42

RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

Selbst wenn so eine Raketenabwehr wirklich jede 2. Atomrakete zerstören (wird damit die Kettenreaktion im Sprengkopf verhindert und gibt es"nur" Fallout über der EU?) sollte, so reichen 50-100 "erfolgreiche" Explosionen mit 100-facher Hiroshima-Sprengkraft, um mehrere Milliarden Menschen zu töten und einen Klimawandel (nuklearer Winter) einzuleiten, der auch die Überlebenden vor eine harte Zeit stellt.
Wer kann so ein Risiko eingehen anstatt nach 20 Jahren mal wieder Abrüstungsverhandlungen zu versuchen?

Even if such a missile defense really destroys every second atomic missile (is it preventing chain reaction in the warhead and is there "only" fallout over the EU?), Then 50-100 "successful" explosions with 100x Hiroshima explosive power, to kill several billion people and initiate a climate change (nuclear winter) that also puts the survivors to a hard time.
Who can take such a risk instead of trying disarmament negotiations after 20 years?

Sally, 05.06.2018 10:29

RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

ich kann mich noch an Reagan erinnern, der ja von einer 100%tigen Abwehr träumte. Das solche vermeintlichen "Trefferquoten" von Raketenabwehrsysteme zu Fehlentscheidungen führen, ist leider erkenntlich. Vielleicht ist eine Physiker*in hier unterwegs um uns zu erklären, was passiert, wenn eine Abwehrrakete eine mit Atomsprengköpfen versehene Rakete zerstört. Explosion und/oder Fallout?

I can still remember Reagan, who dreamed of a 100% defense. The fact that such supposed "hit rates" of missile defense systems lead to wrong decisions is unfortunately recognizable. Maybe a physicist is here to explain to us what happens when a missile destroys a missile equipped with nuclear warheads. Explosion and / or Fallout?

Di., 05.06.2018 10:43

RE: 20180603 NATO Tagung im Juli wirft dunkle Schatten voraus

Für 6,5 Milliarden will die EU panzertaugliche Straßen bauen
Vielleicht wären vernünftige Fahrradwege wichtiger als ständig den nächsten katastrophalen Ostlandritt vorzubereiten.

Mustafa, 09.06.2018 23:12

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Created: 2018-06-03 09:27:01
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