28.03.2018 Grundsatzerklärung für gute Arbeitsbedingungen in der US-Telekom

Statement of Principles

A few weeks ago more than 300 workers of the big mobile telcoms AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile have met, to join themselves as the „Wireless Workers United" in the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Together and over the borders of their corporations they together willl change their working conditions in the future.

Last year already we reported that  Workers rights are maltreated in the subs of German Telekom. The new organisation may help to better the conditions. Every union member even in Germany can be registered in the new organisation without any costs.

Since 2001 T-Mobile US belongs to the German Telekom - and still the workers have no voice in the company. In addition now we have the contra-union policy of the Trump administration and the president himself.

The ver.di newspaper KOMM (02.2018 S.9) reports about the conference in Orlando: Deshalb brauchen die US-Beschäftigten und Gewerkschafter dringend auch die Unterstützung von ver.di und die Solidarität der Beschäftigten im deutschen Mutterkonzern. Eric Daum, Vorsitzender des Gesamtbetriebsrates der Deutschen
Telekom Service GmbH, nahm an de Konferenz in Orlando teil und informiete dort über die Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen, die im Konzern T Deutschland bestehen. Die Unterschied seien teilweise enorm: „Es ist Wahnsinn unter welchem Druck die Kolleginne und Kollegen in den USA stehen. Sie werden ständig bei der Arbeit überwacht und kontrolliert, erfahren ihr Schichteinteilung oft sehr kurzfristig' sagt Eric Daum. „Sie haben sogar Angst sich krank zu melden, weil sie um ihrei Job fürchten! Auch ist es passiert, das Kollegen, die die Gewerkschaft unterstützen, genau beobachtet und drangsaliert werden."

The Statement of the Conference:

We are a group of wireless workers at  AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile who have come together to demand better from our industry. We work in call centers and retail stores and as technicians. We have found that no matter the company, our issues at work are often the same. As workers, we make our company’s run, yet we have all seen our pay, benefits, and working conditions get worse while our employers make more and more in  profits.

We put out this statement because we believe that we are all stronger together and in making these demands we want to keep our employers accountable. The wireless industry makes billions of dollars in profit per year.We are invested in making sure that this industry continues to be successful and that we are able to share in that success and work with dignity and respect.

Management must respect our right to organize and speak out on the job. By joining together to advocate for better conditions we can ensure that management hear us and take us seriously. We need stability and peace of mind in order to do our best work.



As our workloads have increased, our wages and benefits have not kept up. Workers need fair wages that reflect the cost of living, profit sharing, and fair commissions. All these things allow us to take care of our families and save for the future — even in  cities where the cost of living is high.



We need the ability to provide feedback to the management team to improve accountability in our work groups. And we need worker advocates, including union representatives, at stores and call centers.



Sales and customer service are both essential to the customer experience. We should be able to work together to make sure customers are satisfied. But customer care must always  be separate from sales, technical support, and billing issues to ensure the best outcomes.


Read more http://www.weexpectbetter.org/statement-of-principles-33
and in English http://www.weexpectbetter.org/IMG/pdf/statement_of_principles.pdf

Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2TV
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/6418-20180328-grundsatzerklaerung-fuer-gute-arbeitsbedingungen-in-der-us-telekom.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/6418-20180328-grundsatzerklaerung-fuer-gute-arbeitsbedingungen-in-der-us-telekom.htm
Tags: #Gewerkschaft #Union #USA #Telekom #T-Mobile #CWA #Gleichberechtigung #Gender #Diskriminierung #Ungleichbehandlung #HartzIV #Gewerkschaft #Mitbestimmung #Koalitionsfreiheit #Berufsverbote #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Internetsperren #Netzneutralität #OpenSource
Created: 2018-03-28 10:46:26

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