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27.11.2017 FRA diskutiert EU-Projekte zur Grenzsicherung
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Fundamental rights explored at EU Presidency security research conference

Als Mitglied der Fundamental Rights Platform (FRA) dokumentiert Aktion Freiheit statt Angst regelmäßig deren Veröffentlichungen, wenn sie unsere Themen betreffen. Der FRA Newsletter berichtet heute von einem Treffen in Tallinn zu Projekten der Grenzsicherung an den EU Außengrenzen.

Fundamental rights explored at EU Presidency security research conference

The Head of FRA's Freedoms and Justice Department took part in the Estonian Presidency security research conference from 14 to 15 November in Tallinn. The event was organised by the European Commission together with Estonia's Ministry of the Interior and the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Around 400 participants attended the conference - including people from the security industry, researchers working on security issues, and security/border/customs practitioners, together with representatives from the EU Agencies, eu-LISA and Frontex. FRA took part in a panel on dematerialised border controls, where its research in the field of data interoperability with respect to large-scale IT data collection systems, together with the Agency's 2017 legal opinion on ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System), were highlighted as just two examples of where FRA's work is relevant to the field of security. FRA's presence at the conference served to underline the importance of embedding a fundamental rights perspective in the security field. (Contact: Joanna Goodey)

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Created: 2017-11-27 11:04:06
Hits: 1778

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