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14.08.2017 IMSI Catcher bauen oder IMSI Catcher fangen

An IMSI Catcher for $7

Often we told you that we don't linke IMSI Catcher. Now some hints to have one for your own - but be aware this would violate several telecommunication laws.

Here is the guide to create the IMSI catcher with a cheap SDR dongle:

1. Install Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Go to and download the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS version of a 64bit desktop.
# Here is the direct link that worked when i wrote this guide:
# If you use a VM then give it a min. of 2Gb Memory. Compiling might crash if there is not enough memory
# I gave my VM 1 cpu, 2G memory, 20Gb disk, removed the printer and sound card and left the USB in usb2.0 mode.
# Update ubuntu after the installation is done: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y reboot

2. Install GNU Radio GSM modules / gr-gsm
sudo apt-get install git python-pip
sudo pip install PyBOMBS
sudo pybombs prefix init /usr/local -a default_prx
sudo pybombs config default_prefix default_prx
sudo pybombs recipes add gr-recipes git+
sudo pybombs recipes add gr-etcetera git+
sudo pybombs install gr-gsm
# This one could take hours to complete sudo ldconfig
# Plug in the SDR-Dongle and check it is detected with dmesg. Then test if gr-gsm works: sudo grgsm_livemon
# You should see the blue signal fluctuate
# If you see this error - you forgot sudo in front of grgsm_livemon

3. Get the python script to grap the data and present them nicely:
# Install the pre reqs.
sudo apt install python-numpy python-scipy python-scapy
# Get the scripts git clone
# Update the network providers list python IMSI-catcher/mcc-mnc/
# In terminal 1 cd IMSI-catcher sudo python
# In terminal 2
# Start the radio wave sniffer on a channel where a GSM base station/tower transmits in your area.
# this is the same program called grgsm_livemon
# Now, change the frequency and stop it when you have output like in the console behind the gui
# Watch terminal 1 and wait. The TMSI/IMSI numbers should appear shortly
# If nothing appears after 1 min, change the frequency.
# You can also watch the GSM packets in wireshark like this: sudo apt-get install -y wireshark tshark
# NB: tshark is a commandline version of wireshark
sudo wireshark -k -Y '!icmp && gsmtap' -i lo
# ignore errors about not running wireshark as root..

And, if you now fear at all points you will be sniffed when using your phone so see the 2nd Link how to catch an IMSI catcher ...

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Tags: #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Hacking #Geodaten #eCall #Smartphone #Handy #IMSI-Catcher #OpenSource #Linux #Ubuntu #SDRDongle
Created: 2017-08-14 10:44:02
Hits: 19299

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