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02.07.2017 Kümmert euch endlich um das Überleben der Menschheit!

Federal Minister of the Interior de Maiziere called for peaceful protests against the G-20 summit in Hamburg

... reports. Otherwise, he announced a tough procedure ...

Anything else would have surprised us - in any case we also want to support the protests against the summit of the powerful also with peaceful and massive demonstrations - today and in the next week.

Ziegler in an interview: "G20 abolish without substitute"
Jean Ziegler is angry. The sociologist, former UN diplomat and author accuses the G20 of having achieved nothing. Ziegler, he calls for a clear strengthening of the UN and immediate measures for the poorest countries in the interview - many could be resolved promptly.

A petition from RootsAction:
But what happens during the summit an espacially in the announced meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in a few days, at the G-20 summit in Germany, could determine the fate of the Earth.

The" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" continues to warn the world that the hands of the risk-estimate "Doomsday Clock" have moved even closer to catastrophic midnight. The dangers of global nuclear holocaust are increasing -- and a major factor is the rise of tensions between the United States and Russia.

So, profoundly, this is not about Trump or Putin. This is about whether relations between the two nuclear-weapons superpowers will continue to spin out, worsening the risks of military confrontation. This is about whether the young people we love -- and so many others around the world -- will have a future. And whether subsequent generations will even exist.
If you want to express support for seeking détente instead of boosting U.S.-Russian tensions, please click here to sign a petition with a vital message for Trump and Putin.

Please sign

"To: President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump"
We vehemently urge you to take a constructive approach to your planned meeting at the G-20 summit. Whatever our differences, we must reduce rather than increase the risks of nuclear war. The future of humanity is at stake."

To read more about the "Doomsday Clock," please click on the Background links

"AFP:" Trump to Meet Putin at G-20, Seek "More Constructive" Ties
"Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:" Doomsday Clock
Norman Solomon, "The Nation: "Fifty Years Later, Rekindle the "Spirit of Glassboro"
Robert David English, "Foreign Affairs: "Russia, Trump, and a New Détente

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

Readmore ans sign petition

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Created: 2017-07-02 08:23:03
Hits: 2256

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