19.05.2017 Save the Link

Censoring links breaks the Internet

Links are essential to freedom of expression online, and experts warn that censoring links will break the Web as we know it.

Without links to route everyone around the Web, the wonders of the Internet would be locked away. They power Twitter, they power SoundCloud, they power your favorite blog: they power every site you visit.

Links are what empower us to access the greatest collection of human knowledge and experiences the world has ever seen with the click of a button.

But the link is under attack: Outdated media publishers are successfully lobbying all over the world to restrict linking on the Internet. Spain and Germany have recently changed their laws to apply charges to link to news websites. Independent news media and bloggers can’t do their jobs, aggregators are struggling, small presses find their websites unlisted, and access to knowledge is restricted. Now, old media firms have been pressuring lawmakers to apply link censorship laws to the whole EU.

Read more bei https://savethelink.org/de
and sign the petition https://act.openmedia.org/savethelink/

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst ist supporting the initiative "Save the link".

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Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2Mo
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/6039-20170519-save-the-link.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/6039-20170519-save-the-link.htm
Tags: #Leistungsschutzrecht #LSR #Links #gebührenpflichtig #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Internetsperren #Netzneutralität #OpenSource #Diskriminierung #Ungleichbehandlung
Created: 2017-05-19 08:43:03

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