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28.02.2017 Fundamental Rights Agency der EU wird 10 Jahre
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FRA 10 years anniversary symposium

Als Mitglied der Fundamental Rights Platform (FRA) dokumentiert Aktion Freiheit statt Angst regelmäßig deren Veröffentlichungen, wenn sie unsere Themen betreffen. Heute können wir gratulieren und berichten, denn die Fundamental Rights Agency der EU wird 10 Jahre alt.

Government officials, diplomats, civil society representatives and those charged with making human rights relevant for the general public will come together on 28 February in Vienna to mark the 10th anniversary of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (event programme). The anniversary provides the framework for participants to discuss the situation of human rights in Europe today and look to the future on how to ensure that human rights remains central to tackling the various challenges that the EU currently faces.

Due to space limitations participation in the event is by invitation only. However, the full event will be live-streamed from our facebook page or use the twitter hashtag #10yearsFRA to keep in touch.

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Kommentar: RE: Fundamental Rights Agency der EU wird 10 Jahre

FRA 10 years: Fundamental rights have come a long way but face grave threats
While it is important to mark the 10 year anniversary of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency, there are real and growing threats to the achievements that have been made over the years. This was the prevailing mood among high-level speakers, such as Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová, during discussions at the anniversary event in Vienna on 28 February. They called for stronger voices and action building the case for rights-based approaches in everything we do.

FRA, 06.03.2017 14:41

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Created: 2017-02-28 09:04:12
Hits: 2001

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