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Here you can issue a direct debit online with an amount of your choice to us. (SSL secure connection)

Or you transfer yourself to our donations account:

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.
Triodos Bank
IBAN: DE72 5003 1000 1060 9910 02

    Spenden für Bürgerrechte

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Donations ...via

The association Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. is a non profit organization, donations and membership fees to us are tax deductible.

Spenden durch einkaufen!Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. is recognized by the tax office for corporations, Berlin, tax number 27/659/52868 provisionally as from 25.11.2010 to 01.01.2011 § § 52 1 (2) AO No. 24 serving only tax-exempt charitable purposes. This was confirmed again with notices of exemption at Sep 18th 2012, Sep 1st 2015 , and July 31st 2018 , and 27.07.2021 until July 31st 2024.

For donations up to 200 € for the tax return it is sufficient evidence of this, acknowledged by the bank or with a bank statement as proof of payment or online banking with PC printing. For higher donations we send a donation receipt to the address specified in any case until February of the following year.

What we need donations for?

Especially for campaign material, but also for travel costs we have high costs, which we can only carry with your donation.We would like to set up an office to make our work more professional and effective. We can not afford it at the moment. With your help, but we may soon set up an office with a solid staff.

What we need donations in detail:

  • for flyers, stickers, posters and other campaign materials
  • for office and workshop materials
  • for telephone, internet costs
  • Office for rent
  • for project costs
  • Room for Rent
  • for travel expenses
  • for fees
  • for office equipment
  • for allowances, honoraria for speakers, etc.

We are happy to accept also (used) material donations, such as:

  • Office supplies of all kinds (paper, folders, trays, pens, stapler, hole punch ...)
  • Presentation materials (flipcharts, whiteboards, pens, cards ...)
  • Computers and Macs and accessories
  • Telephones, telephone systems, network technology
  • Printers, copiers, faxes
  • Desks, shelves, office cabinets
  • Kitchen appliances


Photo: Knipsermann (CC-BY)

Category[11]: Finanzen Short-Link to this page:
Link to this page:
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/59-spenden.html
Tags: #Spenden #unterstuetzen #gemeinnuetzigeArbeit #Material #Sachspenden #guterZweck #Verein #AktionFsA #Gemeinnützigkeit
Created: 2009-02-03 13:21:34
Hits: 120778

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