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23.11.2016 Überwachung
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Surveillance, oversight, and human rights in counter terrorism

Als Mitglied der Fundamental Rights Platform (FRA) dokumentiert Aktion Freiheit statt Angst regelmäßig deren Veröffentlichungen, wenn sie unsere Themen betreffen. Heute berichten wir über ein Panel, bei dem die FRA die Aktivitäten von Geheimdiensten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Terrorangst und der Beachtung unserer Grundrechte untersucht.

The Agency will chair a panel on supervising the activities of intelligence services at the Fourth Seminar of the Queen Mary Reflection Group on Terrorism and Human Rights in Paris on 29 November. This seminar will examine the relationship of surveillance by intelligence services in the context of counter-terrorism activities with human rights obligations in respect of the right to protection of the right to privacy of personal data. It will focus on the responsibility and powers of the different oversight bodies and their capacity of control when intelligence activities are transnational. The reflection group consists of jurists, political scientists, sociologists and international relations experts as well as academics, practicing lawyers and NGO representatives that meet with the aim of reflecting on the relationship of terrorism and human rights in the contemporary world.


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Created: 2016-11-23 16:27:16
Hits: 1869

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