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22.09.2016 From Moscow with Love

Support Edward Snowden!

Edward Snowden stood up for our rights. Now it’s time we stand up for his.

At Thursday  22nd at 8pm in the Volksbühne, Rosa Luxemburg Platz in Berlin he will tell us in a live video how we leave virtual tracks with every online use, with shopping, reading, ... (Tickets 12,- Euro, reduction 8,- Euro).

He will not send his greetings always from Moscow. Time is running out for Edward Snowden. Tell President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now!

As the movie "Snowden" by Oliver Stone launching this week reminds us, Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revealed the NSA’s massive, secret – and unconstitutional – surveillance programs.

He took a huge personal risk to bring these programs to light. And his actions launched a vital national debate on whether the NSA should be spying on innocent Americans.  
But three years later, Snowden is still being forced to live in exile and threatened with likely spending the rest of his life in prison if he ever comes back to the country he loves.
We have less than 125 days to push President Obama to officially pardon this important American whistleblower.
Tell President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now!
Presidential pardons are about justice. They are for when the legal system has failed, or the laws are unjust or when our consciences demand it.

Snowden made his sacrifice not for personal gain, but because he knew it was the only real way to expose the unconstitutional spying programs he witnessed.

So when the White House tries to claim Snowden “is not a whistleblower”[1] because he didn’t follow the "proper" whistleblower process, they’re just playing cynical word games.
Intelligence contractors, like Edward Snowden, are NOT protected by the Intelligence Community’s whistleblower protections. The Intelligence Community’s own lawyer, even admits it. [2]

Even had Edward Snowden followed the “proper” process, his whistleblowing wouldn’t have been protected.

Presidential pardons exist for exactly this kind of extraordinary situation. It’s time that President Obama uses that power to recognize Snowden’s public service.

Sign and share the petition to President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now and let him come home!

Snowden acted out of desperation and patriotism to inform Americans of the unconstitutional mass surveillance the NSA was conducting.
Even former Attorney General Eric Holder agrees: “I think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate that we engaged in and by the changes that we made.”[3]
Snowden stood up for our rights. Now it’s time we stand up for his.

Stand up for Edward Snowden and tell President Obama: Three years is enough. Pardon Snowden and bring him home!
Thanks for standing with us,
Campaign by Demand Progress

* Edward Snowden is a honorary member in the nonprofit association "Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V."

1. Politico, “White House: Snowden 'is not a whistleblower',” September 14, 2016.
2. The Intercept, “Giving Intelligence Contractors Whistleblower Protections Doesn’t Have to Be “Complicated”,” November 6, 2015.
3. The Guardian, “Eric Holder says Edward Snowden performed 'public service' with NSA leak,” May 30, 2016.


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Kommentar: RE: 20160922 From Moscow with Love

As the movie launching last week reminds us, Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revealed the NSA’s massive, secret – and unconstitutional – surveillance programs.

He took a huge personal risk to bring these programs to light. And his actions launched a vital national debate on whether the NSA should be spying on innocent Americans. But three years later, Snowden is still being forced to live in exile and threatened with likely spending the rest of his life in prison if he ever comes back to the country he loves.

We have less than 125 days to push President Obama to officially pardon this important American whistleblower.

Tell President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now!

Watchdog, 20.09.2016 18:12

 RE: 20160922 From Moscow with Love

Mit dem "Pardon" durch Barack Obama wird das wohl nichts, siehe

D.h. für die US-Administration ist und bleibt Edward Snowden ein Verräter und damit für uns umso mehr ein Held!

Merwan, 20.09.2016 09:32

RE: 20160922 From Moscow with Love

As the movie launching yesterday reminds us, Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revealed the NSA’s massive, secret – and unconstitutional – surveillance programs. He took a huge personal risk to bring these programs to light. And his actions launched a vital national debate on whether the NSA should be spying on innocent Americans.    

But three years later, Snowden is still being forced to live in exile and threatened with likely spending the rest of his life in prison if he ever comes back to the country he loves.

We have less than 125 days to push President Obama to officially pardon this important American whistleblower.   Tell President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now!

Presidential pardons are about justice. They are for when the legal system has failed, or the laws are unjust or when our consciences demand it.

Snowden made his sacrifice not for personal gain, but because he knew it was the only real way to expose the unconstitutional spying programs he witnessed.

So when the White House tries to claim Snowden “is not a whistleblower” because he didn’t follow the "proper" whistleblower process, they’re just playing cynical word games.

Intelligence contractors, like Edward Snowden, are NOT protected by the Intelligence Community’s whistleblower protections. The Intelligence Community’s own lawyer, even admits it. 

Even had Edward Snowden followed the “proper” process, his whistleblowing wouldn’t have been protected.

Presidential pardons exist for exactly this kind of extraordinary situation. It’s time that President Obama uses that power to recognize Snowden’s public service.

Sign and share the petition to President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden now and let him come home!  

Snowden acted out of desperation and patriotism to inform Americans of the unconstitutional mass surveillance the NSA was conducting.  

Even former Attorney General Eric Holder agrees: “I think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate that we engaged in and by the changes that we made.”

Snowden stood up for our rights. Now it’s time we stand up for his. Stand up for Edward Snowden and tell President Obama: Three years is enough. Pardon Snowden and bring him home! 

  Thanks for standing with us,

Kate Kizer Campaigner Demand Progress, 22.09.2016 00:32


 RE: 20160922 From Moscow with Love

You need to see the Snowden film. It’s a powerful, surprisingly personal film driven by an extraordinary performance by the lead actor and captured with remarkable discipline by a skilled director. The temptation to turn Snowden into an espionage thriller a la Jason Bourne or Robert Redford must have been tremendous, but Oliver Stone and fellow screenwriter Kieran Fitzgerald instead opt for a more simple, often unassuming biographic drama.

Jared Petty,, 23.09.2016 09:32

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Tags: #NSA #PRISM #Lauschangriff #Ueberwachung #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #Petition #Aktivitaet #FsaMitteilung #Whistleblowing #EdwardSnowden #Ehrenmitglied #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsfreiheit
Created: 2016-09-18 14:37:22
Hits: 3360

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