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27.04.2016 Smart Border Problematik mit Schengen Gruppe diskutiert

FRA biometrics work presented to Schengen Information System coordination group

As a member of the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRA)  Aktion Freiheit statt Angst documents their publications, when it belongs to our topics. To the topic "Smart" Border we had delivered some answers to the FRA in the last year.

On 14 April in Brussels, FRA provided an update on its biometrics project to the Supervisory Coordination Group for SIS II. The Group is composed of data protection authorities responsible for supervising SIS II at the national level. The European Data Protection Supervisor functions as the Secretariat for the Supervisory Coordination Group. FRA also presented the checklist included in its FRA focus paper on fingerprinting, the results of the FRA survey within the eu-LISA project, as well as the ongoing field research from its biometrics project carried out in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden.

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Created: 2016-04-27 06:45:26
Hits: 1791

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