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Ko-Kreis (Vorstand)

The association was founded on 18.01.2009. The acting committee (Ko-Kreis) was elected in the course of the last general meeting of 06.11.2018 and consists of the following persons:



Mathilde Furtner
E-Mail: tilly_fu[at]

GnuPG Key-ID: 0xBDF7A031
Fingerprint: 46D1 DEA1 B839 4C1F 1694 CCF6 9B59 E68F BDF7 A031

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I worked in the field of software development in a German telecommunications company. For the past 20 years, I have been an elected works councilor, especially for the equal opportunities of men and women as well as severely handicapped people.

My grown-up children and friends from the Chaos Computer Club made me sensitive to privacy and data security. The increasing surveillance mania and the excessive data hunger in politics and economics do not let me rest until today. I therefore want to continue to work for the protection of our human rights.


Christoph Andre

E-Mail: ww[at]

GnuPG Key-ID:
Fingerprint: 34F3 BEF6 8917 9704 A262 9842 B5EC D23A 0999 DC9D

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I studied environmental and ressource management and have been active in the natural and cultural landscape since my childhood.  

My competences lie in the solution-, and goal oriented design of near-natural habitats for humans, for instance garden ecosystems. For this I gained a lot of experience and also social skills in various permaculture projects, community gardens in the urban area as well as other communities. I also offer wild herb walks and other wildlife educational services. 

I came across the association Aktion Freiheit statt Angst in the Federal Voluntary Service and so I have also rediscovered my interest in issues such as data protection, the protection of our human rights as well as the maturity of each individual. Already in the years 2008/09 I participated in the mass demonstrations in Berlin and have since been interested in the topic. 

I also enjoy working on the gradual improvement of our world also in the digital field and thus encouraging people to individual maturity.


Dr. Rainer Hammerschmidt
E-Mail: rainer.hammerschmidt[at]

GnuPG Key-ID: 0x61A8FE41
Fingerprint: 0A56 598E 98B2 E480 E284 B376 6A7D FBDC 61A8 FE41

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For 20 years I have worked in the field of data protection and data security at a German telecommunications company. I was able as an  employee representative to work 12 years for a reasonably employee-friendly design of the IT landscape.

Unfortunately, the working conditions and also the social framework for our civil rights have not improved. That's why I'm against the growing surveillance and hunger for data by government agencies and the European economy.

We thank the former board members for their work in 2009-2018!

Dijana, Lotar, Nannette, Simon, Ricardo, Sophie

We thank the diligent translators for our new website in English!

Petra, Christoph,
Tara, Christian

Category[9]: Rechtliches Short-Link to this page:
Link to this page:
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/55-ko-kreis.html
Tags: #Ko-Kreis #Kokreis #Vorstand #AktionFreiheitstattAngst #AktionFreiheitstattAngste.V.
Created: 2009-01-29 16:49:52
Hits: 53403

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