25.01.2016 Atomkrieg weiter mit WindowsXP?

Britain's Doomsday Nuke Subs Still Run Windows XP

Britain's fleet of missile submarines, HMS Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant, and Vengeance, are four of the deadliest ships ever built. Armed with nuclear weapons, the four "boomers" patrol the oceans, providing a powerful deterrent against a surprise nuclear attack on the United Kingdom. ... and they all running Windows XP.

The U.S. Navy also still runs Windows XP, but it is paying for extra security and updates while it transitions to more modern operating systems. A $9 million dollar tech support deal it cut with Microsoft is good until July 2016, with an option to extend for another year for $31 million.

Read more http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a19061/britains-doomsday-subs-run-windows-xp/
and https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a85d04fc

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Kommentar: RE: 20160125 Atomkrieg weiter mit WindowsXP?

Der erste Gedanke von mir war "Haha, da verdient MS an mangelhaftem Treibersupport für Nuklearwaffen ab Windoof Vista!"
Mein zweiter Gedanke war "Hmm... und was spricht jetzt genau gegen diese Vermutung?!"

A., 25.01.2016 18:25




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