04.12.2015 Terroristenausbildung im Polizei-Schießclub

Paris suicide bomber trained to shoot at French police gun club

Samy Amimour, one of the gunman involved in the attack on the Bataclan theater during the Paris terror assaults learned to shoot at a French police shooting club ANTP. He was registered in a course in 2011.

Because he had no a criminal record, he needed only to pay a €130 fee and be over 18 to be accepted. The ANTP is one of the most popular shooting clubs in Paris, with in excess of 2,350 members

In Germany, too, over 20 millions of arms are registered in private houses an it may be more.

Read more https://www.rt.com/news/324193-paris-terrorist-shooting-club/

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Created: 2015-12-04 07:22:29

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