Illegal pishing becomes "standard"
Not the fundamental rights and the privacy of the people are seemingly the signposts for politicians but the "insinuations" of lobbyists (of the advertising) economy.
Hardly urges the KPGM: "Stop the data minimization. What we need is a wealth of data" ...
... already you can hear the same unlawful nonsense from Mr Dobrindt, Mr. Gabriel and Mrs Merkel. No more excuses can be count, that they mean the wealth of non-personal data (industry 4.0). Then there would be absolutely no sense in their statements, because the Basic Law, the Federal Data Protection Act and we always talk about personal data - and there is a lot of personal data in industry 4.0 (eCall, smart meters, smart home, ...).
How you become wealthy by data hackers showed up in pishing the personal information of almost 5 million parents and more than 200,000 kids when they broke into the servers of a Chinese company that sells kids toys and gadgets.
The hacked data includes names, email addresses, passwords, and home addresses of 4,833,678 parents who have bought products sold by VTech, which has almost $2 billion in revenue. The dump also includes the first names, genders and birthdays of more than 200,000 kids. What’s worse, it’s possible to link the children to their parents, exposing the kids’ full identities and where they live.
This is the fourth largest consumer data breach to date, according to the website Have I Been Pwned, the most well known repository of data breaches online.
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Created: 2015-11-30 07:59:49
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