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18.11.2015 Nach Mitschuldigen suchen

"To Defeat ISIS, We Must Call Both Western and Muslim Leaders to Account"

In an article of The Nation November 15th Laila Lalami,  writer and professor at the University of California stated:

"What happened in Paris on November 13 has happened before, in a shopping district of Beirut on November 12, in the skies over Egypt on October 31, at a cultural center in Turkey on July 20, a beach resort in Tunisia on June 26—and nearly every day in Syria for the last four years. (...)

  •  We must call to account ISIS, a nihilistic cult of death that sees the world in black and white, with no shades of gray in between.
  • We must call to account Bashar al-Assad, whose response to peaceful protesters in the spring of 2011 was to send water cannons and military tanks to meet them.
  • We must call to account the governments of the United States, France, Britain, Russia, Iran, and many others, who lent support and succor to tyrant after tyrant in the Middle East and North Africa, and whose interventions appear to create 10 terrorists for every one they kill.
  • We must call to account George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, whose disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 and subsequent disbanding of the Iraqi army destabilized the entire region.
  • We must call to account the Saudi kings—Salman, Abdullah, and Fahd—whose funding of Wahhabi doctrine gave rise to the scourge of Islamic extremism."

"... The government of Saudi Arabia has beheaded more people this year than ISIS. It persecutes Shias and atheists. It has slowly destroyed sites of cultural and religious significance around Mecca and Medina."

Rene Zucker in rbb finally concludes her comment with a look on Germany: "No one will defeat ISIS whithout searching the dispute with Wahabism. 2012 the Internet activist Raif Badawi was arrested and sentenced for apostasy of Islam to 1000 lashes. 2012 Saudi Arabia was the largest buyer of German arms exports."

Read more
and a comment on rbb (as audio available)
and a list of worldwide ISIS-terror

Kommentar: RE. 20151118 Nach Mitschuldigen suchen

ja, das haben andere auch schon festgestellt:

Jamal, 18.11.2015 12:04

RE: 20151118 Nach Mitschuldigen suchen

ja, das haben andere auch schon festgestellt:

Jamal, 18.11.2015 12:04

 RE: 20151118 Nach Mitschuldigen suchen

Wichtig ist, dass wir immer im Kopf behalten, dass es nicht um Religion(en) geht. Es geht um Macht und Unterordnung. Lest mal den Artikel "Freiheit statt Angst".

Selene, 19.11.2015 07:50

 RE: 20151118 Nach Mitschuldigen suchen

... und es geht um Geld. Für eine erste Entscheidung erscheint eine Bezahlung beim IS in Afghanistan mit 500 US $ pro Monat am besten, gefolgt mit 250 $ als Taliban Kämpfer, während man als Soldat der afghanischen Armee nur 180 $ erhält. (Quelle: stern Nr. 47 S.39)

Schaut man sich die Lebensperspektiven junger Menschen im Nahen Osten oder in Afghanistan oder Pakistan an, so sind diese noch weitaus schlechter als im Süden der EU, wo bereits 30-50% der Jugendlichen arbeitslos sind. Unser Wirtschaftssystem erzeugt seit 20 Jahren ein enormes Gewaltpotential ...

Bernd, 22.11.2015  15:30

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Created: 2015-11-18 08:32:28
Hits: 2951

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