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01.11.2015 Britische Polizei beschlagnahmt erneut Laptop eines Journalisten

Journalist’s laptop seized by UK police under Terrorism Act

British police have used special powers from the counter-terrorism laws again in order to seize a laptop that belongs to a journalist from BBC Newsnight, it has emerged.

David Miranda, the partner of the former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, is preparing to appeal against a ruling that he was lawfully detained at Heathrow airport under counter-terrorism powers. His laptop was the first seized under this law.

The editor of Newsnight, Ian Katz, said on Wednesday: “While we would not seek to obstruct any police investigation, we are concerned that the use of the Terrorism Act to obtain communication between journalists and sources will make it very difficult for reporters to cover this issue of critical public interest.”

Journalists and press freedom campaigners criticised the seizure of the laptop, which is understood to have taken place earlier this year.

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Created: 2015-11-01 18:25:50
Hits: 1850

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