'We Should Put A Metal Detector On The Other Side': The Laughable Waste Of TSA Body Scanners Oh, only $160 million of taxpayer money was wasted, according to Politico.
The TSA's body scanners these glorious devices that didn't work in catching weapons or explosives but did let TSA agents see you naked, and which are administered by the TSA, an agency so perfectly unable to do its job properly.
Yes, dear sirs and madams, full body scanners, so inept that esteemed government officials are suggesting people exiting them should immediately go through a traditional metal detector.
Read more https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=ab21ae86
and https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150819/06085132003/we-should-put-metal-detector-other-side-laughable-waste-tsa-body-scanners.shtml
and https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140131/08552826058/former-tsa-agent-explains-full-body-scanners-didnt-work-did-let-him-see-you-naked.shtml
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Created: 2015-08-28 08:44:47
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