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23.06.2015 Legale Einreise in EU ermöglichen!
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Mitteilung über Aktivitäten der FRA Nr.3: Help ease refugee suffering through legal entry to Europe

Als Mitglied in der Fundamental Rights Platform möchte Aktion Freiheit statt Angst auf eine Initiative der FRA für die Rettung von Flüchtlingen hinweisen:

Aus dem InFRA Newsletter 22-26 June: Help ease refugee suffering through legal entry to Europe

The number of refugees, asylum seekers and internally-displaced people worldwide has reached its highest peak since World War II. At the same time, record numbers of people are dying in the Mediterranean Sea while making perilous sea crossings. On the eve of on 20 June, it is time to remind ourselves of the need for comprehensive EU-wide solutions that look into the root causes of migration while safeguarding the rights of refugees trying to enter the EU. "People fleeing turmoil in their home countries continue to die in horrific circumstances in the Mediterranean," said FRA interim Director Constantinos Manolopoulos. "The EU has proposed a way forward for all parties to collectively find ways to address the challenges that the EU and refugees are currently facing. Member States for their part must work together to ensure refugees are not exploited and receive the help they need." (Contact: Adriano Silvestri).

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Created: 2015-06-23 10:55:19
Hits: 2293

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