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23.03.2015 FRA zur Rettung von Flüchtlingen
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Mitteilung über Aktivitäten der FRA Nr.2: Initiative zur Rettung von Flüchtlingen

Als Mitglied in der Fundamental Rights Platform möchte Aktion Freiheit statt Angst auf eine Initiative der FRA für die Rettung von Flüchtlingen hinweisen:

Aus dem InFRA Newsletter 16-23 March: More opportunities for refugees to enter the EU legally can save lives, says FRA Focus paper

In the biggest movement of forcibly displaced people since World War II, tens of thousands of people are risking their lives, and dying, while trying to seek sanctuary in the EU. FRA’s latest Focus paper, presents different ways to improve and increase legal admissions to the EU. “Already this year over 370 people have died trying to find a better life by crossing the Mediterranean,” says FRA Director Morten Kjaerum. “A comprehensive set of different actions is needed to reduce the loss of lives at sea and the abuses carried out by human traffickers. As one of these actions, the EU and its Member States therefore need to do more to ensure legal options are on the table and more readily available to ensure more people can enjoy their right to asylum and come to the EU safely.”

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Created: 2015-03-23 19:59:55
Hits: 2034

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