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27.02.2015 USA: Neue Regeln für(!) Netzneutralität

FCC just voted to pass strong net neutrality rules

Reflect on this, for a moment: President Obama had dragged his feet for years. We still won. He appointed a former cable lobbyist to run the FCC. We still won. We went up against the most powerful lobby in America. We still won.

They bought broad support from both parties in Congress. We still won. The list continues below, for posterity, but you get the idea: We had to clear every hurdle. All the cable lobby had to do was stop us once.

We just worked like crazy to make sure that all that amazing energy, dedication and outrage went to the right places–at just the right moments–to force people in power to do the right thing. Organizing: online, and off. That’s what we do. Being able to focus on organizing massive campaigns (like Battle for the Net and the Internet Slowdown) day in and day out means we can do things nobody else can, and bring the Internet to victories that were never before possible.

Two of the 5 votes at the FCC (O’Rielly and Pai) were completely in Comcast’s hands. We still won.  Comcast owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC and was shameless about using their networks for propaganda. We still won.

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Tags: #Zensur #USA #FCC #Gleichbehandlung #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsfreiheit #Internetsperren #Netzneutralitaet #OpenSource #IFG(Informationsfreiheitsgesetz)
Created: 2015-02-27 07:43:44
Hits: 1939

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