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21.01.2015 Polizei schaut mit Radar ins Haus

New police radars can 'see' inside homes


You’ll Never Guess Who’s Trying to Hack Your iPhone - Hint: It rhymes with Eff Bee Eye

The FBI wants to search through your electronic life. You may think it’s a given that the government is in the business of collecting everyone’s personal data — Big Brother run amok in defiance of the Constitution. But under the limits of the Fourth Amendment, nothing it finds can be used to prosecute its targets. Now the FBI is taking steps to carry out broad searches and data collection under the color of authority, making all of us more vulnerable to “fishing expeditions.”

The investigative arm of the Department of Justice is attempting to short-circuit the legal checks of the Fourth Amendment by requesting a change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Any deviations from the rules how law enforcement agencies must conduct criminal prosecutions can have serious consequences, including dismissal of a case. The specific rule the FBI is targeting outlines the terms for obtaining a search warrant.

Computers may be intentionally damaged  by the search (such as through botnets, but also through common malware and viruses) and  the provision would allow investigators to seize electronically stored information regardless of whether that information is stored inside or outside the court’s jurisdiction.

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Coming back to the first title: New police radars can 'see' inside homes

Radar devices allowing officers to detect movement through walls have been secretly used by at least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies over the last two years. At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies quietly deployed radars that let them effectively see inside homes, with little notice to the courts or the public.

Those agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service, began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago with little notice to the courts and no public disclosure of when or how they would be used.

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Tags: #Polizei #Radar #FBI #Handy #Smartphone #Geheimdienste #Hacking #Geodaten #Aufruestung #Videoueberwachung #Lauschangriff #Ueberwachung
Created: 2015-01-21 08:36:05
Hits: 1782

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