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17.09.2014 NIgeria speichert Bevölkerung auf MasterCard

Nigeria’s Orwellian Biometric ID Is Brought to You by MasterCard

Imagine an ID card that remembers all of your personal records. And the card serves as your driver's license and a catch-all that includes information about your health insurance, tax payments, and bank accounts and you will need it to vote - and it's a MasterCard.

In the pilot project initial 13 million Nigerians will participate and later on until 2019 all those above the age of 16 that's about 160 million people are expected to carry those cards.

To receive this biometric card you have to alllow a scan of your irises and all ten fingerprints.

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Tags: #Bankdaten #Nigeria #RFID #Biometrie #Mastercard #ElektronischerAusweis #Polizei #Fingerabdruck #Geheimdienste #Persoenlichkeitsrecht #Privatsphaere #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit
Created: 2014-09-17 09:51:21
Hits: 1658

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