Bicycle-Demonstration at World Children Day: We are children of one earth!
Demonstration for the full implementation of UN Children Rights
At Sep 20th 2014,
13.30h Mehringplatz am U Hallesches Tor (meet),
14.00h Start to Hansaplatz;
rallies between at SPD- & CDU,
Arrival at. 15.30h with final ralliy and music.
Festival "40 years GRIPS at Hansaplatz".
- It was a nice day,
- mostly without rain
- with many well-known songs of the GRIPS theater
- and all had fun!
Further more pictures you will find here
The UN Children's Convention was signed 25 years ago. The Federal Republic of Germany has withdrawn its declaration of reservation only four years ago. Nevertheless, in Germany still not all children have the same rights and opportunities. This has to change!
Therefor we claim:
- make children's rights in Germany known. Only those who know their rights, they can also demand it.
- create indoor and outdoor play areas for children, where children develop themselves and can even play safe!
- equal opportunities and access to inclusive education for all children!
- Not to discriminate against refugee children on the basis of their origin, but to give them the same opportunities for education, housing and freedom of movement and allow their families a decent life in the Federal Republic!
- Establish independent complaint bodies in towns, cities and countries at the federal level, the children can turn to when they see their rights restricted.
- Child and youth welfare facilities should be biased in the sense of children. They are children and young people participate in the subjects that concern and advocate fully for the children with them. In this case, the child's welfare should be a factor which must be given priority and the wishes of children and young people are respected as equals.
- children should participate in political decision-making processes and align political action on the welfare of children and future generations.
- UN children's rights are to be finally enshrined in the Basic Law!
Demonstration organized by
GRIPS Theaterpädagogik, National Coalition Deutschland-‐Netzwerk zur Umsetzung der UN-‐Kinderrechtskonvention e.V. , FLÜCHTLINGSRAT BERLIN, Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-‐Böll-‐Stiftung, Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I., Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V., Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, BBZ ‐ Berliner Beratungszentrum für Junge Flüchtlinge, GRIPs Werke e.V.
Category[25]: Schule ohne Militär Short-Link to this page:
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Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4496-20140920-fahrrad-demo-fuer-kinderrechte.htm
Tags: #Aktivitaet #FsaMitteilung #Demo #Umsetzung #UN-Kinderrechte #SchuleohneMilitaer #Vorbehaltserklaerung #Minderjaehrige #Kinder #Freiraeume #Inklusion #Augenhoehe #GripsTheater
Created: 2014-09-06 12:07:49
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