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31.05.2014 "Deutsches Internet" wohl doch nicht?

The ESF is committed to actively promoting the liberalisation of international trade in services

In the ESF, the European Services Forum  Telekom, Telefonica, Deutsche Bank, British Telecom and more are organized ( ). And just this organization has agreed with its US partner organization CSI to support TTIP, if it contains the following :

"The ESF and CSI call upon negotiators to ensure that TTIP will allow cross border data flows and data-processing to occur free from discriminatory terms and trade distorting conditions such as requirements to use local network infrastructure or local servers. These commitments should be applied across all services sectors, including financial services. ...With the objective of enhancing users’ trust and certainty for companies, thus facilitating trade in goods and services, it is essential that security and appropriate and effective protection of data be assured through compliance with all applicable privacy and security regulations."

That means the contrary of a "German Internet".

The Telekom for a "German Internet"
and about the nonsense of this advertising strategy
and the real actions for TTIP
The web site of the ESF
and the pro-TTIP-paper of ESF and CSI


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Tags: #Informationsfreiheit #Zensur #TTIP #ACTA #TPP #TAFTA #ESF.CSI #deutschesInternet #Freihandel
Created: 2014-05-31 07:52:46
Hits: 1819

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