26.05.2014 Julian Assange auf der "Manhunting" Liste der NSA

Documents Reveal NSA and GCHQ Efforts to Destroy Assange And Track Wikileaks Supporters

Documents show the US engaged in major attacks against journalists, publishers, and whistleblowers.

MICHAEL RATNER, PRESIDENT EMERITUS, CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS argued: "This week there was an article in a new online magazine called The Intercept. That's the new magazine coming out from Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Jeremy Scahill. This article was about NSA documents regarding surveillance and more against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange and their supporters, online and otherwise. And the documents stem from 2010, going forward. And what they really demonstrate is there was a broad effort by the United States government, but through the NSA--these are NSA documents; there's probably a lot more from the CIA, FBI, and other places--but a broad effort to destroy WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and to really surveil and begin to know all of the people who are their supporters. That was a very significant set of documents this week.


And what the documents revealed  ... was that Julian Assange was put on a list called "Manhunting". ...  And normally on that NSA list there's people who the NSA, and perhaps and presumably the U.S. government as well, suspects are al-Qaeda terrorists or something like that.This list is made up of people the U.S. wants to locate, prosecute, and/or kill."

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Kommentar: RE: 20140526 Julian Assange auf der "Manhunting" Liste der NSA

"Der NSA gehört das Netzwerk" so sagt es jedenfalls der frühere NSA-Technikchef William Binney. (s. http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Ehemaliger-NSA-Technikchef-Der-NSA-gehoert-das-Netzwerk-2188605.html )
Angezapfte Unterseekabel überall auf der Welt und über 50.000 "Implantate" in Server oder Router, die damit "komplett fernsteuerbar" sind. Denen muss ja die Macht zu Kopf steigen. Die Folge sind "No-Fly"- oder sogar "Kill"-Listen mit denen Menschen ohne Gerichtsverfahren vernichtet werden können. Und wir wollen die Möglichkeiten bei der Wirtschaftsspionage nicht vergessen ...

Jochen, 26.05.2014  22:41


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Tags: #NSA #Manhuntinglist #CIA #FBI #MichaelRatner #GCHQ #PRISM #Tempora #Videoueberwachung #Lauschangriff #Ueberwachung #Geheimdienste #Anti-TerrorGesetze
Created: 2014-05-26 08:33:44

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