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24.05.2014 Gefängnis

Don't make it a crime to reveal fracking chemicals

What TTIP may bring to Europe:
Republicans say: Reveal fracking chemicals, go to jail

North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis, who is running for U.S. Senate against Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan -- needs to decide if he'll cement his reputation as one of the worst conservative legislators in the country by pushing through a dangerous pro-fracking bill that Republicans just passed in the North Carolina Senate.

Tillis is running for an office where his decisions will affect people across the country, not just in North Carolina. It's crucial for us to let him know that the whole country is watching as he and the rest of the North Carolina GOP push through their reckless and irresponsible agenda.

The bill would send an activist or scientist to jail for revealing what toxic chemicals are pumped into the ground during the fracking process if the fossil fuel corporations assert the chemicals are protected as "trade secrets." It would also lift the state's moratorium on fracking, and strip local governments of their ability to protect residents from fracking.

It is just the latest in a shameful spree of ultra-conservative lawmaking by the North Carolina legislature. With Speaker Tillis at the helm, the state House has voted for draconian restrictions on voting rights, denied healthcare to half a million North Carolinians, and eviscerated unemployment benefits for tens of thousands of workers.

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Tags: #ACTA #Fracking #Chemikalien #Gesetz #Redeverbot #TTIP #IPRED #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsfreiheit #Grundrechte
Created: 2014-05-24 07:32:08
Hits: 1798

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